Windows Vista – 10 New Executables and 20 Old Favorites

Windows Vista – 10 New Executables and 20 Old Favorites

10 New Executables in Vista


  1. BcdEdit (Edit Boot.ini)

  2. iCacls (Cacls i not L)

  3. Powercfg  (Hibernate)

  4. vssadmin (Shadow Copy)

  5. Ctrl +Shift +Enter
    (Run as administrator)

  6. DxConfig (Direct X)

  7. MLink (Symbolic Link)

  8. Net user administrator activate:yes

  9. MSconfig (Changed rather than new)

  10. Slmgr (Licence Manager)

Guy Recommends:  A Free Trial of the Network Performance Monitor (NPM)Review of Orion NPM v11.5 v11.5

SolarWinds’ Orion performance monitor will help you discover what’s happening on your network.  This utility will also guide you through troubleshooting; the dashboard will indicate whether the root cause is a broken link, faulty equipment or resource overload.

What I like best is the way NPM suggests solutions to network problems.  Its also has the ability to monitor the health of individual VMware virtual machines.  If you are interested in troubleshooting, and creating network maps, then I recommend that you try NPM now.

Download a free trial of Solarwinds’ Network Performance Monitor

20 Old Favorites found in Vista, and also in XP

  1. DiskPart

  2. DriverQuery – Especially useful with Vista


  4. Ipconfig

  5. Netsh – Zillions of sub commands

  6. Nslookup

  7. Openfiles

  8. Ping

  9. Path (Worth Checking)

  10. Robocopy – Robust copy ex Reskit


  11. SC (sc query netlogon)

  12. SFC /scannow – Check for file corruption (also /verfiyonly) IE Cures

  13. Shell:sendto – Control the shortcut menu

  14. Shutdown (also /r restart)

  15. Taskkill

  16. Tasklist

  17. Tracert

  18. Tree

  19. Ver – Build 6.0.6000

  20. whoami – PsychoUser!

See also Solarwinds Engineer's Toolkit »

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Configuring Windows Vista Topics:


     Vista Tools and Extras


   Tweak the Registry ebook

Download Your Tweak the Registry Ebook for only $6.45

This ebook will explain the workings of the registry.  I thoroughly enjoy tweaking the registry, and I want to distill the best of my experiences and pass them on to you.

Each registry tweak has two aims; to solve a specific problem, and to provide general learning points, which help you to master regedit. 

Over 60 pages ebook and PDF format