PowerShell Basics: Write to text file with the Out-file cmdlet. Also, when to use the -Append & -NoClobber parameters. Full tutorial with code and examples
PowerShell Basics: Using New-Item to create Folders (directories) & Files, testing 'If...Else...' code to check that the folder exists, Remove-Item & more
PowerShell Basics: Format-table, or ft for short. A cmdlet to control the formatting of the output of your PowerShell commands, Get-WmiObject, aliases & more
PowerShell Basics: -Contains, -CContains, - NotContains conditional operators - when to use with code & examples. Also when to use -Match or -Like instead.
Windows PowerShell Start-Service Cmdlet Our mission on this page is start a named Windows service. If necessary, we can modify the script to stop, or even Restart the service. In order to get a grounding in the PowerShell syntax associated with this ‘Service’ family of commands, I suggest that you …
PowerShell Basics: Using Env: - an alternative to using the GUI - With in-depth Examples & Scripts for $Env: | $Env:WinDir | $Env:Path | $Env:Temp & more
PowerShell Basics: Test-Path cmdlet. Find files & check for container objects. Use it with -IsValid -Exclude -PathType and If() and more. Scripts & Examples
PowerShell kill() process. Find the Windows process with get-process, then you can zap it with stop-process. 3 techniques to kill a process - with examples
PowerShell Basics: An in depth look at the -Match Comparator, its use in a Where clause, an If Construction along with -NotMatch & -And with Code Examples