Category: SQL 2000

SQL 2000 Monitor your server

Monitoring your SQL Server Your mission is to detect and eliminate performance bottlenecks.  Run a health check and get the most out of your SQL 2000 servers.  One of the most satisfying feelings is improving performance by finding bottlenecks on your network.  As a side effect you will learn how …

SQL 2000 Security

Understanding SQL’s security and permissions is not a trivial task.  Many of your choices come in pairs, firstly there are two overall strategies or approaches: a) Develop and refine your vision of who should see what information. b) Check all the places where you can set security and permissions in …

SQL 2000 Alerts and Jobs

Make it your goal to automate boring, repetitive tasks.  I would always choose a morning of to automate followed by and afternoon testing, rather than spending the whole day doing the same monotonous chore. SQL Server 2000 provides a separate SQL Server Agent Service to handle Jobs and Alerts.  The …

SQL 2000 Install

Installing Microsoft’s SQL 2000 server is a pretty simple job.  However any installation of a database needs a few minutes to plan; the old saying that 7 minutes of planning saves an hour of rework is never more true than with an installation.  The most important part is the post-installation …

SQL 2000 Transact – Comments

SQL Transact Comments Good comments show the purpose of your SQL transact query.  They explain the actions that statement will perform. SQL supports two methods to block or ‘Rem’ out transact statements. 1) Block Comments /*   ….  */   As the name suggests these comment are when you have a paragraph, …