Windows Logon Scripts – Create Multiple Printers

Introduction to Create Multiple Printers

Once you have discovered how to create one network printer, it is relatively straightforward to add a second or third printer.  Apply techniques you acquire in one area to another area.  For example, once you learn how to map multiple network drives, then apply that knowledge to create multiple printers, or vica versa.

Topics for Creating Multiple Printers


Mission to Map Two Printers

Our mission is to map not one, but two (or more) printers.  As VBScripts go, this is a straightforward script and an ideal vehicle for beginners to learn the structure of this language.  Nevertheless, there are instructive pointers for all levels of ability.  I have divided our mission into three stages, 1) Map one printer, 2) Map multiple printers, 3) Set the default printer.


You don’t need Active Directory, what you do need is a machine with two shared printers.  Alternatively use two print servers.  Be flexible and if necessary cheat by creating ‘fantasy’ printers with the Add Printer Wizard.


  1. Your server is unlikely to be called \\ grand, therefore, find and then edit the value of strUNCPrinter1. 
  2. Copy and paste the script below into notepad or get a script editor such as OnScript (free download).
  3. Save the file with .vbs extension e.g. Printer1.vbs.
  4. Double click and observe the message box and check your Printers and Faxes folder.

Stage One – Map one printer

‘ Printer1.vbs – Windows Logon Script.
‘ VBScript – Connect a printer with AddWindowsPrinterConnection
‘ Author Guy Thomas
‘ Version 1.7 – June 2010
‘ ———————————————————–‘
Option Explicit
Dim objNetwork, strUNCPrinter1
strUNCPrinter1 = "\\grand\HPLaserJ"

‘ Create a network object (not Environment or AD)
Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
objNetwork.AddWindowsPrinterConnection strUNCPrinter1

‘ Optional command to show where to look for your printer
WScript.Echo "Check the Printers folder for : " & strUNCPrinter1


‘ End of Guy’s example printer script.

VBS Learning Points

Note 1:  AddWindowsPrinterConnection is the key command.  Providing the client is XP or Windows 2000, you only need one argument, the UNC path to the network printer.  In this example, the printer is controlled by the variable strUNCPrinter1.   However, it is possible to use the UNC path directly, without creating a variable:
objNetwork.AddWindowsPrinterConnection \\ grand\HPLaserJ

Note 2: To help with the line numbers, and to color code your commands get OnScript (free download).

Stage Two – Map Two Printers

Here in Stage Two is where we fulfil our mission and add more printers.  Let us build on the success of Stage One and add an extra command, which maps a second printer.

‘ PrintersTwo.vbs – Windows Logon Script.
‘ VBScript – Connect two network printers
‘ Author Guy Thomas
‘ Version 2.3 – June 2010
‘ ———————————————————-‘
Option Explicit
Dim objNetwork, strLocal, strUNCPrinter1, strUNCPrinter2
strUNCPrinter1 = "\\grand\HPLaserJ"
strUNCPrinter2 = "\\zara\Epson"
Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
objNetwork.AddWindowsPrinterConnection strUNCPrinter1
objNetwork.AddWindowsPrinterConnection strUNCPrinter2


‘ End of Guy’s multiple printer script.

Learning Points

Note 1:  You only need one object: objNetwork.  The secret is to recycle this object by AddWindowsPrinterConnection to two different strUNCPrinter variables.

Note 2: It is straightforward to add a third printer by introducing another strUNCPrinterX and then inserting a matching objNetwork.AddWindowsPrinterConnection strUNCPrinterX statement.

Note 3: See more on Windows 8 printer troubleshooting.

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Stage Three – Bonus Set your Default Printer

Once you add a second or third printer, it makes sense to set the default printer rather than leave it to chance.  In this example I have set the default printer to strUNCPrinter1, however, you may wish to amend this value.

‘ PrinterSetDefault.vbs – Windows Logon Script.
‘ VBScript – Set Default Printer
‘ Author Guy Thomas
‘ Version 3.2 – June 2010
‘ ———————————————————–‘
Option Explicit
Dim objNetwork, strLocal, strUNCPrinter1, strUNCPrinter2
strLocal = "HPLaserJet2420"
strUNCPrinter1 = "\\zara\HPLaserJ"
strUNCPrinter2 = "\\zara\Epson"
Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
objNetwork.AddWindowsPrinterConnection strUNCPrinter1
objNetwork.AddWindowsPrinterConnection strUNCPrinter2
objNetwork.SetDefaultPrinter strUNCPrinter1


‘ End of Guy’s set printer script.

Learning Points

Note 1:  You may have been wondering why I introduced strLocal, but not used this variable.  The answer is that I have left a little work for you, a) Change the value of strLocal  b) Then amend this line :
objNetwork.SetDefaultPrinter strUNCPrinter1
objNetwork.SetDefaultPrinter strLocal

Summary of Mapping Two Printers

Mapping two printers is not difficult.  Use this as an opportunity to apply knowledge from others areas, for example mapping multiple network drives.  Once you have created two or more printers, then it makes sense to control which printer is the default.


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See more printer logon scripts examples

Logon Script Home   • Printer computer   • Remove printer logon script

AddWindowsPrinterConnection script   • Multiple printers    • Assign Logon Script AD

• EnumPrinterConnections   • SetDefaultPrinter script   • Free Import CSV Tool