Microsoft Exchange 2003 –  GAL Anonymous Access

Introduction to Anonymous Access to GALs in Exchange 2003

Normally you configure an object’s permissions through Access Control List on the security tab.  However, Exchange has cases where you can only alter permissions with ADSI Edit.

Topics for Configuring Anonymous Access to the GAL


Strategy for configuring Anonymous Access to the GAL

1) Give the ‘Anonymous’ user read access to the GAL.

2) Configure permissions with ADSI Edit because there is no tab in the Exchange System Manager.

3) Install ADSI Edit.

4) Make sure you are editing the Configuration Container (not the Domain).

5) Drill down in ADSI Edit to the Address Lists Container.

6) Give the ‘Anonymous’ user read permission.

Where does ADSI Edit come from?

With any new utility always, ‘Where do I get this program?’  In the case of ADSI Edit, you install it as part of Windows Server 2003’s support tools.  Once installed, I add ADSI Edit as a snap-in to my MMC along-side my Active Directory Users and Computers and Exchange System Manager.

Finding the Address Lists Container

When ADSI Edit launches, make sure that you choose the Configuration container, and not the Domain container.  Expand the Services, Microsoft Exchange and then the name of your Exchange Organization (Mine was GuyMail).

Your next decision is which Address List to configure permissions?  The Default Global Address List, or the Offline Address list.

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Setting Permissions on the Security Tab

Now you want the Address Lists Container, and finally select the particular Address List you wish to edit.  right-click on the CN=, and select the Security Tab and Anonymous Logon.  Just give this anonymous account read access, not full control.


ADSI Edit is helpful for those situations where Microsoft do not supply a tab to configure the permission that you need.  Take every opportunity to launch ADSI Edit and explore the attributes in the Configuration container of Active Directory.

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