Troubleshooting Code 800A139B – Expected ‘]’ in regular expressionIntroduction to Error Code 800A139BThis error code, 800A139B occurs when you attempting to perform a regular expression search. My suggestion is that there is syntax error in a complex pattern. The Symptoms You Get 800A139BThe script does not execute as you hoped, instead you get a WSH error message.Category: Microsoft VBScript runtime The Cause of Error 800A139BThe underlying cause is a syntax error, in the sense that you are missing a closing bracket. With this error pay close attention to what comes next after: In this example the script is looking for a closing bracket ‘]’, and not an opening bracket. This was the example: Problem "\<[\w+\]>" ‡ The SolutionStephen Gentry kindly sent in both the problem and this solution. From what I gather, Stephen is trying to execute sophisticated pattern matching code: Correct syntax "<\[\w+\]>" and "\<\[\w+\]>" While I have not studied the escape character in this sequence, it seems to me that a backslash acts as an escape character. thus \<[ does not escape the [ (it escapes the <. In this example: "<\[\w+\]>" Both the opening and closing bracket are escaped by the backslash \[ and later \]. This is why the solution works, and why the problem complains about an expected closing bracket.
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