Category: Windows 7

Windows 7 Hibernate Problems

Windows 7 Hibernate Problems and Options Sadly, it’s all too common to experience Windows 7 hibernation problems.  By knowing where to find the numerous hibernation settings, you can troubleshoot the commonest predicaments. Topics for Windows 7 Hibernate Why does Windows 7 hibernate?  Good reasons are, to save electricity, to gain …

Windows 7 AppData

Windows 7’s Users Folder Replaces XP’s Documents and Settings The purpose of this page is to help you locate Windows 7’s new Users’ folders.  This is important because under C:\Users is the AppData folder where Windows 7 stores Application Data and Local Settings. Topics for Windows 7 AppData Overview – …

Windows 7 PowerShell Scripts

PowerShell Scripts for Windows 7 Here is a collection of real-life scripts for you to gain experience of using the PowerShell command line. Windows 7 PowerShell Scripts PowerShell Scripts to Delete Windows 7 Temp Files Windows 7 PowerShell WMI Scripts Display Error Messages In Your Windows 7 Event Logs Control …

Windows 7 Jump Lists

Windows 7 Jump Lists Embrace the concept of Jump List and save a few seconds whenever you launch any application in Windows 7.  Keep a lookout for a shortcut to recent file, or the link to a bookmark in a complex program. Topics for Windows 7 Jump Lists Definitions of …

Windows 7 Quick Launch

Windows 7 Quick Launch In Vista 7 the Quick Launch area has been absorbed into the taskbar.  However, you can either modify the Windows 7 taskbar to look like Vista’s Quick Launch, or you can take steps to actually recreate Quick Launch area as a toolbar. Microsoft Windows 7 New …