Configure Windows Server 2003 – Home Page

Windows Server 2003 Configuration

My goal for this section is to give you tips on how to configure, and troubleshoot Windows Server 2003.  I have step-by-step tutorials to show you how to find the menus, properties and settings that you need to manage your server.

This page represents my mini sitemap for Windows Server 2003 configuration.  I created tutorials on the topics:

Windows Server 2003 Configuration


Windows Server 2003 Configuration

This configuration section will help you manage your Windows Server 2003.  My mission is to help you create a checklist of all the utilities and snap-ins to visit in order to get the most out of your server.

When you are managing Windows Server 2003 sometimes you forget which menu holds which setting, the idea behind this section is to help you find the properties that you are looking for and to make informed decisions on the property sheets.

Configuring a Windows Server 2003 is part science, part art, but most of all experience.  What I seek to do is give you short cuts, to enable you to manage your server without going through the hard school of knocks.

Guy Recommends 3 Free Active Directory ToolsDownload Solarwinds Active Directory Administration Tool

SolarWinds have produced three Active Directory add-ons.  These free utilities have been approved by Microsoft, and will help to manage your domain by:

  1. Seeking and zapping unwanted user accounts.
  2. Finding inactive computers.
  3. Bulk-importing new users.  Give this AD utility a try, it’s free!

Download your FREE Active Directory administration tools.

Related Windows Server 2003 Topics

As there are so many ways to deploy and configure Windows Server 2003, it is not always possible to fit topics into pigeon-holes so please have a quick look through my other sections for related information.  Active Directory and DNS are settings are common threads through many topics.