PowerShell Background Jobs
The purpose of this cmdlet is to view the data stored in a PowerShell job. Receive-Job works in conjunction with Start-Job, and you can troubleshoot with Get-Job.
Windows PowerShell Receive-Job Topics
- The Relationship Between Start-Job and Receive-Job
- Example 1: List Events in the System Log
- Example 2: List Services on Remote Computers
The Relationship Between Start-Job and Receive-Job
You need Start-Job to create the object, Job# holds the results of instructions in {ScriptBlock}. The particular role of Receive-Job is to display the contents of that Job#. When getting testing or troubleshoot PowerShell jobs, I find that a third cmdlet Get-Job is invaluable.
Task Breakdown
a) Start-Job (Creates and stores the data; you see ID 2, Name Job2)
b) Get-Job (Lists the job names, their numbers, and their status)
c) Receive-Job (The climax, to actually view the results in the job)
Example 1: List Events in the System Log
a) Create the Job
Start-Job -ScriptBlock {Get-WinEvent -LogName system -MaxEvents 1000}
Note 1: I have explicitly added -ScriptBlock, even though PowerShell would assume that the instruction in the first position contains this required parameter.
b) View the existence and status of your jobs
This is an optional step, useful in testing and troubleshooting.
Get-Job | Format-Table Id, Name, State, HasMoreData, Command -AutoSize
Id Name State HasMoreData Command
— —- —– ———– ——-
2 Job2 Completed False Get-WinEvent -LogName system -MaxEvents 1000
4 Job4 Completed False Get-WinEvent -LogName system -MaxEvents 1000
6 Job6 Completed True Get-WinEvent -LogName system -MaxEvents 1000
Note 2: I ran the Start-Job command 3 times – just testing!
Note 3: Keep an eye on HasMoreData, False means it's run but the data has gone! If you want to retain the results employ the -Keep parameter when you use Receive-Job.
c) Review a Specific Job
Get-Job -Name Job6 | Receive-Job -Keep
Note 4: There are several ways of viewing a completed job, here is a simpler command: Receive-Job -ID 6 -Keep
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Research Receive-Job
# Research PowerShell Job
Get-Help Receive-Job -Full
Note 5: This is how I discovered the -Keep and -AutoRemove parameter.
Example 2: List Services on Remote Computers
As we have already seen, Receive-Job works well with Start-Job; however it can run jobs against remote computers using Invoke-Command.
Let us set up the jobs:
$Serv = Invoke-Command -ComputerName Victim1, Victim2, Victim3 `
-ScriptBlock {Get-Service} -AsJob
Note 6: Observe the -AsJob parameter of Invoke-Command
View the contents of Job1
Receive-Job -Name Job1 -AutoRemove
Note 7: This time I used the -AutoRemove parameter to delete this job once we have seen the details.
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Researching Similar PowerShell Job Cmdlets
Get-Command -Verb Job
Summary of PowerShell Receive-Job
The purpose of this cmdlet is to obtain the results of a PowerShell background jobs; it relies on Start-Job or Invoke-Command -AsJob to actually create the job.
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• PowerShell Home • Real life tasks • Invoke-Command • PowerShell Windows 7
• Remote PowerShell • PowerShell WSMan • -Online • PowerShell WinRm • Test-Connection
• Jobs -AsJob • Receive-Job • Get-Job • Receive-Job • Free WMI Monitor
Please email me if you have a better example script. Also please report any factual mistakes, grammatical errors or broken links, I will be happy to correct the fault.