PowerShell $PSDefaultParameterValues

Change the Default Parameter Values in PowerShell v 3.0

It is possible to modify the default action of a PowerShell cmdlet by modifying its parameters.  For example, it annoys me that Get-EventLog does not focus on the Application log.  Thanks to $PSDefaultParameterValues we can launch a Cmdlet in the way that we want.

$PSDefaultParameterValues Topics


Change the Behaviour of Get-Eventlog with $PSDefaultParameterValues

Normally, if you run the cmdlet Get-Eventlog it prompts you with:

However, in PowerShell version 3.0 you can change what happens when you execute a cmdlet by using an interesting built-in function called: $PSDefaultParameterValues.

# Change Default Values of a Cmdlet.
# N.B. Requires PowerShell 3.0

Note 1:  In the present PowerShell session, whenever you type Get-Eventlog on its own, it returns the 50 lastest entries in the application log.

How to Reset $PSDefaultParameterValues

The quickest way to nullify $PSDefaultParameterValues is to close, then reopen PowerShell.  A better way to over-ride the command temporarily is thus:

$PSDefaultParameterValues.Add("Disabled", $true)

Alternatively, you could remove values from the hash table.

$PSDefaultParameterValues.Add("Disabled", $False) $PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("Get-Eventlog:newest")

Note 2: If you now try Get-Eventlog the results should reveal the Application events, but it won’t halt after the 50th because we removed the :newest parameter.

Tip: Once you have identified suitable jobs for $PSDefaultParameterValues, place them in your profile.ps1 file.

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Research Methods for $PSDefaultParameterValues

We have already used the .add method, now let us see what other methods and properties are available:

# Research $PSDefaultParameterValues
$PSDefaultParameterValues | Get Member

Useful methods include ‘Clear’, and property ‘Values’.

Identify Cmdlets with Suitable Parameters

These are the parameter characteristics that I look for when I want to change their default actions:

Required? True
Position? 1
Default value [blank, nothing set]

Here is a work-In-progress script to help with our research.

# PowerShell Parameters to change default action
$Source = Get-Command Get*
Foreach ($cmdlet in $Source) {
$Cmdlet.ParameterSets | Select-Object -ExpandProperty parameters | `
Where {$_.Position -gt "-1" -And $_.isMandatory -eq $true } `
| FT $Cmdlet.Name, Name, Position, IsMandatory -auto

Note 3: This relies on Select-Object -ExpandProperty parameters.

Note 4: I have been experiment with different values for the ‘Where’ clause.

See more on setting default PowerShell parameters »

Summary of $PSDefaultParameterValues

You can improve productivity by changing the default behaviour of a PowerShell cmdlet.  For example, you can set the action of the plain command: Get-EventLog so that it starts outputting the contents of the Application log.  The secret is to master PowerShell’s $PSDefaultParameterValues.

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See more example of PowerShell’s parameters

PowerShell Tutorials  • PowerShell Parameter Introduction  • Parameter Examples of Technique

Mandatory Parameters  • PowerShell $PSDefaultParameterValues  • Top 10 PowerShell Parameters

PowerShell Parameters Index  • Parameter Hashtable Splatting  • PowerShell 3.0 Default Parameters

Please email me if you have a better example script. Also please report any factual mistakes, grammatical errors or broken links, I will be happy to correct the fault.