PowerShell Measure-Object
Measure is one of PowerShell’s more interesting and unusual verbs; it deals with maths such as sum, average and maximum. Thanks to the concept of an object, this cmdlet can also calculate the properties of text objects, such as the number of words in a document.
Topics for Measure Object
- Example 1: Measure-Object Basics
- Example 2: Measure-Object with Test-Connection
- Example 3: Measure-Object Counting Files
- Example 4: Measure-Object Counts File Types
- Background Research on Measure-Object
Example 1: PowerShell Measure-Object
Processes running on Windows operating systems have a base priority ranging from 0 to 13. Here is a simple example using Measure-Object to check maximum and minimum values of processes.
# PowerShell Measure-Object
Get-Process | Measure-Object BasePriority -max -min
Learning Points
Note 1: Take the time to understand the rhythm of this command. Obtain object (Get-Process), then | (pipe) the output to Measure-Object; only then do you specify the property (BasePriority) to extract the numeric data.
Example 1a: Measure-Object -Average
I admit that this example has little practical application, but stick with me and learn just a little more about how you can employ Measure-Object
# PowerShell Measure-Object -Average
$Avg = (Get-Process | Measure-Object BasePriority -average)
"BasePriority average = " + [System.Math]::Round($Avg.average)
Note 2: I just wanted to explain how useful [System.Math] is with Measure-Object.
Note 3: For newbies constructions such as ($Avg.average) may seem a little strange, especially as we have already specified -average in the line above.
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Example 2: Measure-Object with Test-Connection
This example has a real-life purpose, namely to test the speed of your connection to google.com. If you have no internet connection change the value of $Site to another computer on your network.
# PowerShell Measure-Object to test a website’s response time
Write-Host `n "Waiting for test …"
$Avg = 0
$Site = "www.google.com"
$PingSite = Test-Connection -count 5 $Site
$Avg = ($PingSite | Measure-Object ResponseTime -average)
$Calc = [System.Math]::Round($Avg.average)
Write-Host "Average response time to $Site is $Calc ms"
Note 4: To truly understand this example spend a little time working with Test-Connection. Researching with Get-Member will show that the crucial property of ResponseTime comes from Test-Connection and not from Measure-Object.
See more on PowerShell's Test-Connection »
Example 3: Measure-Object Counting Files
There various methods of employing PowerShell to count the files in a folder; here is one using Measure-Object.
# Measure-Object counts Windows files
Get-ChildItem C:\Windows | Measure-Object
If you ask Get-Help to check Measure-Object’s parameters then you can see how knew the example below would return useful values.
# PowerShell Measure-Object with text
Get-content C:\Windows\System.ini -force |
Measure-Object -line -character -word
Note 5: In true PowerShell form, each of the parameters, -line, -character -Is a singular word.
Example 4: Measure-Object Counts File Types
This example employs Measure-Object to count the number of .exe files in the Program Files. You may deduce that I used a modified version to check the number of graphics files in my pictures folder. For you to that to work on your machine, first you need to change the value of $Path to the location of your picture files.
$Path = "C:\Program Files\"
$Files = Get-ChildItem -recurse $Path -Include *.jpg,*.gif,*.png,*.exe
$Files | Group-Object {$_.extension.substring(1)} |
Foreach {
$HowMany = $_.group | Measure-Object
Write-Host "Number of $($_.name): $($_.count)"
Note 6: The first part of the example is concerned with getting a stream of file types grouped by extension. -recurse and -Include can be tricky if you have not used them before.
Note 7: This example is ripe for experimentation. For instance, you could tinker with the ‘Write-Host’ instruction. Also you could change $_.name to $HowMany.name if that make its workings clearer.
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Example 5: Measure-Object Sums File Size
The scenario: You wish to calculate the size occupied by all the files in a folder. Naturally, you could add the -Recurse parameter if you wanted to add the files in subdirectories.
Observe how this example makes use of -Property and -Sum
# Measure-Object calculates the file size of System32 folder
$Pathy = "C:\Windows\System32"
$Sizey = (Get-ChildItem $Pathy | Measure-Object -Property length -Sum)
[math]::floor($Sizey.Sum /1MB)
See another example of Measure-Object ยป
Measure-Object Math
Here are examples of controlling the decimal places with the Round() function. If it’s whole numbers you want then consider appending -as [int].
# Measure-Object calculates the file size of System32 folder
$Pathy = "C:\Windows\System32"
$Sizey = (Get-ChildItem $Pathy | Measure-Object -Property length -Sum)
[System.Math]::Round(($Sizey.Sum /1MB),2)
# ($Sizey.Sum /1MB) -as [int]
Background Research Into Measure-Object
Get help with the parameters
# Research Measure-Object’s parameters
Help Measure-Object -full
Note 8: Observe useful parameters such as -Sum and -Property.
Check Measure-Object with Get-Member
# Research Measure-Object’s properties
Measure-Object | Get-Member
Note 9: Checking with Get-Member will reveal which math properties are available, and which are not allowed.
Researching Similar PowerShell Cmdlets
# PowerShell Measure Cmdlet Research
Get-Command -verb Measure
Note 10: This reveals one sister command Measure-Command ».
Summary of PowerShell Measure-Object
Measure-Object is often an alternative to other techniques for obtaining statistics about various objects that you are dealing with. Take the trouble to see how its basic math switches work.
(Get-WmiObject Win32_PhysicalMemory | Measure-Object Capacity -sum).sum/1mb
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See more Microsoft PowerShell Examples of Real Life Tasks
• PowerShell Real-life Examples • Test-Connection • Invoke-Expression • Invoke-Command
• Windows PowerShell • Com • PowerShell -Filter Where-Object • PowerShell 3 Rename-Computer
• PowerShell Registry • Compare-Object Registry • Measure-Object • Measure-Command
Please email me if you have a better example script. Also please report any factual mistakes, grammatical errors or broken links, I will be happy to correct the fault.