View The History of Your PowerShell Commands
This page explains that the Get-History, stores a cache of recent commands. Many aspects are best suited to the command-line, while a few techniques are also useful in the ISE GUI.
Windows PowerShell Get-History Topics
- Introduction to Get-History
- Tasks for Get-History
- Research Properties for Get-History
- Research Parameters for Get-History
- Research the Other Members of the History Family
Introduction to Get-History
All becomes clear when you realize that ‘Get’ is the default verb, thus if you type plain: ‘History’, PowerShell interprets this as ‘Get-History.
# History
Note 1: To confirm that History is an alias for Get-History, remove the # in front of History, and run the above commands again.
Note 2: The History cache retains a maximum of 32 commands.
Tasks for Get-History
One reason for listing the history is to save what you have done into a file. Simply pipe (|) the results into a file, thus: History | Out-File "D: \pshell\WorkDone.txt".
Another reason for understanding what’s available in the history cache is to employ the sister cmdlet Invoke-History -Id xyz as a quick method for replaying a long, complex, hard to remember command.
Research Properties for Get-History
To me, the killer reason for using Get-History is to check the execution status; the way I discovered this was with my trusty technique | GM (Get-Member).
Get-History | Get-Member -MemberType Property
Note 3: Another reason for research properties is if you want to modify the results, for example you wish to pipe the output into Format-Table, but are unsure which properties to specify, for example CommandLine and ExecutionStatus.
Research Parameters for Get-History
This is the second of my trilogy of techniques for discovering more about any PowerShell cmdlet.
# PowerShell History Parameters
Get-Help Get-History -full
Checking the help file will reveal useful parameters, for instance the -count.
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Research the Other Members of the History Family
# PowerShell History Family
Get-Command -Noun History
This reveals the sister commands: Clear-History and Invoke-History.
Summary of PowerShell Get-History
If you need to check which commands you have been running then ‘History’ is the way to get a list of up to 32 items you recently typed in PowerShell.
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See more Microsoft PowerShell output tutorials:
• PShell Home • Out-File • Out-GridView • ConvertTo-Csv • ConvertTo-Html • ConvertFrom-Csv
• Tee-Object • Import-CSV • Format-Table • PowerShell Here-String • ConvertFrom-JSON
• Export-CliXml • Format-List • Read-Host • PowerShell Get-History • -f format • Pipe to file
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