Contents of Jumbo Scripts for Windows2000/3Worked examples of how to design VBScripts to map network drives, printers and much more. - Detailed steps for assigning Logon Scripts through Group Policy
- Scripting methods to map Network Drives
- Mapping multiple network printers
- Setting the Default Printer
- Deleting mapped drives or printers – useful in logoff scripts
- New Troubleshooting section for script errors
- How WSH (Windows Scripting Host) works with VBScript and CScript
- Using WMI (Windows Management Interface)
- Scriptomatic – Powerful tool for creating your own scripts
- Advice for tightening up script security
Introduction to VBScript – Gets you started- Check the Version of VBScript
- Variables and Hungarian Convention
- Active Directory – Create OU
- Active Directory – Create Users
- Map Network Drive
- Map Printer and Set Default Printer
- Create a Folder
- Create a File
- Write Text to a File
- Read and Write to the Registry
- WMI – Memory
- WMI – Chassis Type
Skills – I will help you to develop not only VBScript skills, but also LDAP, ADSI and WSH expertise. Excel Tasks – Explain how to set up the first row with the LDAP fields. LDAP and ADSI – Learn which LDAP properties to use in your script. Install ADSI and investigate user properties. VBScript example – Scripts I prepared earlier. You just need to edit the domain variable, and the Excel path and the script is ready to run. Variables – How to use meaningful names. ‘Hungarian Convention’ and ‘Option Explicit’ explained. RootDSE – Enables you to connect to the domain, so that you can apply the Open and Get methods. Error Handling – Good scripts have error handling good to ease troubleshooting. Excel Application – Here we examine methods to open the spreadsheet and read data from the cells. Do … Loop Until – The key routine to be able to repeat the same statement for multiple users. Create the User – I will show you methods to bind properties in the spreadsheet with the user object. Groups – Optional section to add users to groups. I) Echo message – Useful to have confirmation of what the script has achieved. J) Tidy up – Best practice to finish gracefully.
Part 1 – Goals and Plans. This section lays down the foundations for our mailbox project. Part 2 – Preparation. This section develops the skills necessary to create a mailbox-enabled user. Skills include: VBScript, CSVDE, LDAP and WSH. Part 3 – The VBScripts themselves. Part 3a – Create a user from scratch. The user will include the four exchange mailbox tabs. Part 3b – Add a mailbox to an existing user. Technically, this is the most demanding section. Part 4 – Query Based Distribution Groups. The best way to create a distribution list.
What you get in your eBook is worked examples of how to create mailboxes using VBScript. The ebook covers two strategies: Plan A – Creating mailbox-enabled users. We create brand new users complete with mailboxes. Plan B – Scripts to add mailboxes to existing users. The example scripts will work with Windows 2003 or 2000 domains. Whilst this ebook has a clear goal to create mailbox-enabled users, I also use the opportunity to how you how to develop VBScript skills. For example, methods, loops, as well as mastering the syntax. A feature of this ebook is extra ‘Out Take’ scripts which contain deliberate mistakes for you to correct. This ebook also contains a Word for Windows version making it easy to have a printed copy by your side as you work through the examples. To give you an idea of the volume of content it prints out to 55 pages of A4. Each page has two or three worked examples. I also include learning points and challenges for you to modify my scripts to interrogate your machines and network. - WMI Basics
- WMI Getting Started
- WMI Simple Script
- WMI Moniker
- WMI Technique
- WMI Disks Logical
- WMI Disks Physical
- WMI Event Log
- WMI Event Log Admins
- WMI Filter for GPMC
- WMI Memory
- WMI Printers
- WMI Process List
- WMI Process Start
- WMI Process Stop
- WMI Service Start /Stop
- WMI Scriptomatic
- Getting started with Export commands
- Improving Export with filters
- Learning CSVDE Import commands
- Mastering Import with LDAP filters
- Preparing the CSV files
- Selecting the best LDAP attributes for your import
- Using ASDI to investigate the LDAP attributes
- Mastering ten little switches, -a, -b, -j, -k, -l, -m, -o, -p, -r, -s
- Understanding the dozen commonest error messages
- Getting started with Import commands
- Learning the changetype: command
- Changing passwords with unicodePwd
- Mastering Import with LDAP filters
- Preparing the CSV files
- Selecting the best LDAP attributes for your import
- Exporting commands
- Improving Export with filters
- Using ASDI to investigate the LDAP attributes
- Understanding the dozen commonest error messages
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