Getting Started with PowerShell by Guy Thomas

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Contents of Getting Started with PowerShell

Here are the people who I had in mind as I wrote this ebook.

  • Anyone who has read that PowerShell is the scripting language of the future.
  • Dabblers who know a little VBScript and DOS and want to learn PowerShell.
  • Network managers who want to collect specific data from a particular server.
  • IT professionals who what to know precisely what’s happening in their Microsoft operating system.
  • Techies who love remote control without hassle.

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I divided this PowerShell book into 3 sections:

  • Getting Started – 12 basic techniques to assist you take those first faltering steps.
  • Real life – 12 examples of PowerShell undertaking tasks on your computer.
  • Syntax – A selection of 12 common punctuation and grammar constructions for your scripts. 

For your $9.25 you get an ebook and a PDF packed with 120 pages of examples and Learning points.  Here are details of the 36 topics:

Getting Started with PowerShell

  1. Download the correct version of PowerShell
  2. How to execute basic commands
  3. Master PowerShell’s key commands
  4. Get-Member command
  5. Create PowerShell cmdlets
  6. Use PowerShell’s built-in cmdlets
  7. Aliases – Types
  8. Out-file
  9. Where Statement: $
  10. Loops
  11. WMI Techniques
  12. Functions – Create
  13. Enable your ‘Profile’

Real Life Tasks

  1. Checking the Eventlog
  2. Scripting Files with get-Childitem
  3. Finding text with select-String
  4. Deleting Temporary Files
  5. Listing Services
  6. Starting a Service
  7. Checking your Disk With Win32_LogicalDisk
  8. PowerShell and WMI – better than Ipconfig
  9. Scripting PowerShell’s – ComObject and MapNetworkDrive
  10. Com – Shell Objects (‘Run’ Applications)
  11. Active Directory
  12. Creating an Exchange 2010 Mailcontact

Syntax Section

  1. Brackets
  2. Conditional Operators
  3. Format Table
  4. -f Format
  5. Group
  6. If construction
  7. Out-File
  8. Parameters and Switches
  9. Pipeline
  10. Quotation Marks
  11. Speech Marks
  12. WhatIf