PowerShell Litmus Test

PowerShell Cmdlet Litmus Test

Amateurs: Use Get-Help to get an overview of what a cmdlet does.
Professionals: Scrutinize Get-Help's information studying a parameter's attributes.

Example of Get-Help's Syntax

Here we employ Get-Eventlog to discover more about Get-Help.

# Needs a LogName

Cmdlet Get-EventLog at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:

The problem, Get-Eventlog is asking us for an input (LogName).  Suppose we don't know the precise logname?  Let us call for:

# Cmdlet help with examples
Get-Help Get-Eventlog -full

Get-EventLog [-LogName] <String> [[-InstanceId] <Int64[]>] ….

— But Get-Eventlog also has a second usage —

Get-EventLog [-AsString [<SwitchParameter>]] [-ComputerName <String[]>] [-List [<SwitchParameter>]] [<CommonParameters>]

Note: Get-EventLog requires -LogName parameter.

Note: Get-EventLog also reveals the names of the logs thanks to the -List parameter thus:

# Display available logs
Get-Eventlog -List

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PowerShell's Parameters Windows PowerShell Get-Help

You mainly request help to check the names of the parameters, but it only takes a quick glance to discover a parameter's attributes.

Get-Help Get-Eventlog.
This example shows parameters with their attributes.

-After <DateTime> At first glance you probably overlooked the <Type> definition in brackets, but now in future you will absorb this extra information.

In this example, knowing that -After expects <DateTime> will alert you to researching the format, especially if you get an error.  Get-Date may give you clues whether to use dd/mm/yy or mm/dd/yy.

ComputerName <String[]> Clearly this indicates a parameter that accepts names such as BigServer, subtly, the square brackets tells you that you could type multiple names separated by commas. -ComputerName [BigServer, LittleServer]

List [<SwitchParameter>]  This is a tricky 'Type' to understand at first.  At it's simplest <SwitchParameter> means the value for this parameter is 'false', unless you explicitly set a value.

Newest <Int32> Means a number!

See more on PowerShell's Parameters

Summary of PowerShell's Get-Help

I would like to move forward from merely using Get-Help, to gaining an understanding of the range of a cmdlets abilities.   Get-Help Verb-Noun can teach you about the principles behind PowerShell, for example, pipelining, nature and capability of objects. 

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