Introduction to Microsoft Exchange 2003 – Troubleshooting with Isinteg
Do be aware that Isinteg is a dangerous tool and that you ought to practice on a test server before unleashing it on a production network. That warning over, there will be situations where Isinteg is your get-out-of-jail card. Isinteg in Exchange 2003, replaces Esefile found in older versions of Exchange.
Topics for Exchange 2003 Troubleshooting with Isinteg
Isintegfor Exchange
Isinteg is a valuable command line utility to check and then repair logical database inconsistencies in Microsoft Exchange Server. If there is physical damage to the disk and database, then seek other remedies.
You can find isinteg in the Exchsrvr\Bin folder. Since this folder is not in the Path, you need to be careful when executing Isinteg from the cmd prompt. The trick is to navigate to the \exchsrvr\bin folder. One popular method is to find the executable with explorer, then copy the path from the Address bar and paste it into the cmd prompt. Before you start practicing with isinteg, the MSExchangeIS service should be running but the mailbox store should be dismounted. Here is the syntax for isinteg.
isinteg -s ServerName [-fix] [-verbose] [-l LogFilename] -test TestName[[, TestName]…]
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Isinteg switches in Exchange Server 2003
When you run isinteg, the first switch to append, the switch I always forget, is the -s ExchangeServer.
Isinteg -test
The -test switch has a range of further commands. If in doubt then try -test Alltests.
Example 1b: of Event log ID 7200 FDsWaitTask problem
ID 7200 Background thread FDsWaitTask halted due to error code <xxx>.
This error, with FDsWaitTask, can usually be cured with Isinteg -test mailbox
Example 1a: of Event log ID 7200 EcFlushInTransitUserMail problem
Background thread EcFlushInTransitUserMail halted due to error code <xxx>.
Another common 7200 error is EcFlushInTransitUserMail, this time try a different switch: Isinteg –test folder
Isinteg -fix (be wary)
ISINTEG – Firstly, one of my rare disclaimers. Be careful with Isinteg, especially the – fix switch. Backup your Exchange .edb and log files BEFORE you even think about using isinteg. Always begin by using ISINTEG – test, rather than -fix.
Example, you get error 080040301 when you are moving mailboxes to another store. The best solution is to get a hotfix, however, in an emergency try ISINTEG
ISINTEG -s BigServer -fix is Guy’s candidate for the worlds most dangerous switch, the – fix has been know to destroy exchange. So only use in an emergency, and yes you did backup BEFORE you tried Isinteg -s BigServer -fix?
Here is a list of tables Isinteg examines: ACL List
ACL Member
Cross Reference
Deleted Folders
Deleted Recipients
Oof History
Per-User Read
PropsIn Contents
Special Folders
Timed Events
Guy Recommends: SolarWinds’ Free Bulk Mailbox Import Tool
Import users from a spreadsheet, complete with their mailbox. Just provide a list of the users with the fields in the top row, and save as .csv file. Then launch this FREE utility, match your Exchange fields with AD’s attributes, click and import the users. Optionally, you can provide the name of the OU where the new mailboxes will be born.
There are also two bonus tools in the free download, and all 3 have been approved by Microsoft:
- Bulk-import new users and mailboxes into Active Directory.
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Isinteg -patch?
Patch files are created during an online backup of open files. Exchange 2003 automatically patches restores, so there is no need to use the -patch switch. If there is a problem, you should use the check box ‘This database can be overwritten by a restore’ in Exchange System Manager.
The isinteg -Patch was used for correcting errors with Exchange 5.5 backup, or to be precise, problems with a restore from an offline backup. TypicalEvent log IDs were 1087 or Error 2083.
SummaryMicrosoft Exchange Server 2003 – Isinteg
For with inconsistencies in Microsoft Exchange 200x databases, turn to Isinteg. I strongly recommend practicing with -tests switch before trying the -fix command. Remember that Isinteg needs the -S servername switch.
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