Code  Error 800A01AD – ActiveX component can’t create object

Troubleshooting Code 800A01AD – ActiveX component can’t create object


Introduction to Error Code 800A01AD   

This error code, 800A01AD usually occurs when you execute a VBScript.  My first suggestion is that there is a typo of an object or method in your script.  A wild guess, you could be creating an ADODB.Connection.Error 800A01AD

The Symptoms You Get

The script does not execute as you hoped, instead you get a WSH error message.  One possibility is that you are trying to open an ADO connection.

The Cause of Error 800A01AD

Your VBScript contains an illegal method, probably a typing mistake, an extra letter.  Check the logic of your METHOD statement.

For trickier problems, particularly with the COM part of .ASP, check that you are not missing .DLL files, or that they need to be registered with RegSvr32. See Example 2

With this error it’s back to basics, is the DLL on your system?  Does it need registering with regsvr32?  If so, are you sure it’s in the Path.  Or most likely there are insufficient permission therefore check the security settings on the appropriate folders.

The Solutions to ActiveX component can’t create object

Check the spelling of your objects and methods.  Look for clues particularly the Line: number and check the Char: references.  In the example it is Line 1.  In this case it is not Char 1 which is to blame, the problem is further along the line.  WSH has a habit of blaming Char:1 when it’s the whole line that it cannot execute.

Incidentally, Source: reports a runtime error not a compilation error, this means you are looking not for a pure syntax problem, but a fault logic error.  In the case of runtime errors, you can use this temporary work around.  Add this statement just before the line that causes the error: On Error Resume Next.

Example 1 of Error 800A01AD 

Createobject("objNetwork")  it should be the pure word Network, remove the obj in objNetwork.

Createobject("Network").  Moreover, it should be :


Set objNetwork = Createobject("objNetwork")

strDriveLetter = "N:" ‘must be capitalized
strRemotePath = "\\alan\home"
strUser = "guyt"
strPassword = "$a1$$n5g"
objNetwork.MapNetworkDrive strDriveLetter, strRemotePath, strUser, strPassword

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Example 2 of Error 800A01AD 

You may be getting this Error 800A01AD message from your ASP code.  Check the VBScript section where you’re attempting to open a connection through ADO.

VBScript Runtime Error: ‘800a01ad’
ActiveX component Can’t create object

Set objConn=CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

Solutions to ActiveX component can’t create object

Check that you have MDAC 2.x installed.

Register \program files\common files\System\MSADO15.dll with RegSvr32.

Check permissions for both IUSR_<Server> AND IWAM_<Server>.  In particular make sure that they have Read/Execute NTFS rights on these folders.
– \program files\common files\System
– \Windows (or Winnt)
– \InetPub\WWWRoot

Open Console and check that there is a valid IP Address for the Default Web

Stop, then restart the Web services, or reboot, depending on your operating system.  

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