20 Tips for Exchange 2000Here are 20 tops based on my experience with Exchange 2000 migration and troubleshooting. Before you Install Exchange 2000- Always buy Exchange 2000 Advanced Server (not the basic version with the 16 GB Store limit)
- Plead, threaten, exhort users to reduce Mailboxes size before migration
- Beg, steal or borrow machines for a Test Exchange 2000 network
- For bulk import of accounts try CSVDE or LDIFDE
- Check out the new Clustering technology
Before you deploy Exchange 2000, check these Features- Check out Exchange 2003s Junk Mail filter
- Trial Instant Messaging
- Outlook Web Access will be big – Check out the new features of OWA in Exchange 2000
- To enable the Advanced Search in Outlook set up Index Server to Catalog the Private store
- Consider Video Conferencing, its an add-on, not a separate edition
Once you have Exchange 2000 up and running- Check the System Policies within Exchange 2000 e.g. to set Mailbox limits
- Set a date to switch Exchange 2000 from Mixed mode to Native mode
- Put your database files (Priv*.edb .stm) on a separate disk from the transaction logs
- Check out the GLOBAL SETINGS with Exchange System Manager
- Get the latest service pack for Exchange 2000
Troubleshooting Exchange 2000- To show the Security tab: Edit the Registry : HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Exchange\ExAdmin\ShowSecurityPage dword=00000001
- Enable Protocol logging for Troubleshooting. Remember to turn off when finished!
- To stop NDRs from former employees – Create a Dead Letter account add SMTP addresses
- Install Winroute from the Exchange 2000 CD
- Check out ExMerge.exe (SUPPORT folder on CD)to remove virus infections from mailboxes
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