Exchange 2000 Recipients

Exchange Recipients

There seem to be more recipient or mailbox items than ever.  The good news is that Microsoft the have ‘mail enabled’ anything and everything that you would ever want to send a message to.  The problem with so many objects is finding a suitable naming scheme.  The system Microsoft has adopted requires some of us to forget about the old names and start again.  Even so, the subtly between a mail enabled user and a mailbox enabled can easily be missed.

Types of Recipients

  1. Mailbox enabled user – this is the classic user with an account in Active Directory and a mailbox in Exchange.
  2. Mail enabled user – the subtle difference it that while they have an account in Active Directory and an email address, their mailbox is held elsewhere.  I imagine it to be a pop3 account with and ISP.
  3. Mail enabled group – this used to be the distribution list.  The subtlety here is that the groups can be distribution (recommended) or security groups.
  4. Contact – a good name for someone outside your Active Directory domain or Exchange organization.
  5. Mail enabled public folder – once you mail enable a public folder, users can post messages by email instead of using notes.


Configuring the Recipients

The key point to remember is the integration of Exchange 2000 and Active Directory.  Once you remember that, it is obvious that the email address is just another property configurable through Active Directory Users and Computers.

The SMTP address for most recipients is created automatically, the main exception is the contact which has to be created manually.

To display the user’s Advanced Exchange property tab, go to the View Menu and select Advanced Features. You should now see four Exchange tabs on the users’ property sheet.

With the Advanced Features selected, you can set the Send As property to delegate co-workers to deal with a users email. Also remember that if you just right-click a user, you should see Exchange Tasks on the menu; here is where you can Move Mailboxes or activate Instant Messaging.




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