Windows Vista – Control Panel, Network & Internet, Network Map

Windows Vista – Control Panel, Network & Internet, Network Map

This Network Map information is a subset, or a ‘drill down’ of information shown in the Network Center.

Orientation (See in Address Bar Below):
Control Panel
     Networking and Internet
           Network Map

Here is a Network Map showing how a machine called Vista5308 is able to browse and connect to the internet.  As you explore Vista in general and the Control Panel in particular, you appreciate graphical clues such as the network diagram next to Control Panel in the screen shot below.  Even the back and forward arrows seem just the right size.

Windows Vista - Control Panel, Network & Internet, Network Map

Residential (shown in the above screen shot) is the new name for Internet Connection sharing.  If you right-click Zara or Grand then you can ‘Explore’ any folders shared on those machines.

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Summary Network Map

Here is one of the most intuitive of Control Panel sub menus.  While the Network Map does not provide any new features, it does allow, even encourage you to explore all networks which are attached to the Vista machine.


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Configuring Windows Vista Topics:


     Vista Tools and Extras


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