Windows Server 2003 – NetDiag Tutorial

Windows Server 2003 – NetDiag Tutorial

NetDiag provides a master class in testing Network Availability.  When you run NetDiag from the command line it carries out a battery of tests, which test your servers’ ability to operate successfully.  As usual, my goal in this NetDiag tutorial is to show you how to get testing your Lan or Wan network.

Even if there is no problem with your Active Directory, it is still worth running NetDiag to learn about a healthy operating system, for example, NetDiag checks the NIC bindings.  Get a free copy of Netdiag at the end of this page.

Tutorial Topics for NetDiag


Examples of NetDiag

  1. Installing Exchange and you wish to check that you can connect to other servers.
  2. Checking VPN network tunnels on the WAN.
  3. DNS problems.  Computers cannot ‘see’ their domain controller on the LAN.
  4. A quick check on hotfixes.
  5. Check the Network Card Bindings from the command prompt.
  6. You are having problems with IPSEC.
  7. Winsock corruption, wrong version incompatibilities.
  8. NetDiag checks that Domain Controllers are all able to ‘speak’ LDAP.

Installing NetDiag

NetDiag magically appears after you install the Support Tools from the Windows Server 2003 CD.  Once NetDiag.exe (and Support Tools) is the path then you can run it from any command prompt.

NetDiag switches

/v If you need the full report on your network availability, then append this verbose switch to the command.  Unlike the /v of other utilities, NetDiag /v really does produce chapter and verse on your network cards and their binding.

/Debug  This debug switch was disappointing in that it did not produce any more details than those supplied by the /v.  Perhaps I would have received extra information if my Windows Server 2003 really had a network connectivity problem.

/q  When you just need to know if there are any errors, this is the switch for troubleshooting.  The /q is the antithesis of the /v and /debug.

/test:  Unlike DCDiag, NetDiag’s test switched worked perfectly.  What is more the command:
netdiag /test produced the following list of possible tests:

NetDiag Tests

Ndis – Netcard queries Test
IpConfig – IP config Test
Member – Domain membership Test
NetBTTransports – NetBT transports Test
Autonet – Autonet address Test
IpLoopBk – IP loopback ping Test
DefGw – Default gateway Test
NbtNm – NetBT name Test
WINS – WINS service Test
Winsock – Winsock Test
DNS – DNS Test


DsGetDc – DC discovery Test
DcList – DC list Test
Trust – Trust relationship Test
Kerberos – Kerberos Test
Ldap – LDAP Test
Route – Routing table Test
Netstat – Netstat information Test
Bindings – Bindings Test
WAN – WAN configuration Test
Modem – Modem diagnostics Test

Guy Recommends:  A Free Trial of the Network Performance Monitor (NPM)Review of Orion NPM v12 v12

SolarWinds’ Network Performance Monitor will help you discover what’s happening on your network.  This utility will also guide you through troubleshooting; the dashboard will indicate whether the root cause is a broken link, faulty equipment or resource overload.

Perhaps the NPM’s best feature is the way it suggests solutions to network problems.  Its second best feature is the ability to monitor the health of individual VMware virtual machines.  If you are interested in troubleshooting, and creating network maps, then I recommend that you give this Network Performance Monitor a try.

Download your free trial of SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor.

Example – NetDiag using my favourite /v


‘ NetDiag printout

Owner of the binding path : Remote Access NDIS WAN Driver
Binding Enabled: Yes
Interfaces of the binding path:
-Interface Name: ndiswanasync
Upper Component: Remote Access NDIS WAN Driver
Lower Component: RAS Async Adapter

Component Name : Message-oriented TCP/IP Protocol (SMB session)
Bind Name: NetbiosSmb
Binding Paths:

Component Name : WINS Client(TCP/IP) Protocol
Bind Name: NetBT
Binding Paths:
Owner of the binding path : WINS Client(TCP/IP) Protocol
Binding Enabled: Yes
Interfaces of the binding path:
-Interface Name: tdi
Upper Component: WINS Client(TCP/IP) Protocol
Lower Component: Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
-Interface Name: ndis5
Upper Component: Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
Lower Component: VIA Rhine II Fast Ethernet Adapter

Owner of the binding path : WINS Client(TCP/IP) Protocol
Binding Enabled: Yes
Interfaces of the binding path:
-Interface Name: tdi
Upper Component: WINS Client(TCP/IP) Protocol
Lower Component: Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
-Interface Name: ndiswanip
Upper Component: Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
Lower Component: WAN Miniport (IP)

Component Name : Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
Bind Name: Tcpip
Binding Paths:
Owner of the binding path : Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
Binding Enabled: Yes
Interfaces of the binding path:
-Interface Name: ndis5
Upper Component: Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
Lower Component: VIA Rhine II Fast Ethernet Adapter

Owner of the binding path : Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
Binding Enabled: Yes
Interfaces of the binding path:
-Interface Name: ndiswanip
Upper Component: Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
Lower Component: WAN Miniport (IP)

Component Name : Client for Microsoft Networks
Bind Name: LanmanWorkstation
Binding Paths:
Owner of the binding path : Client for Microsoft Networks
Binding Enabled: Yes
Interfaces of the binding path:
-Interface Name: netbios_smb
Upper Component: Client for Microsoft Networks
Lower Component: Message-oriented TCP/IP Protocol (SMB session)

Owner of the binding path : Client for Microsoft Networks
Binding Enabled: Yes
Interfaces of the binding path:
-Interface Name: netbios
Upper Component: Client for Microsoft Networks
Lower Component: WINS Client(TCP/IP) Protocol
-Interface Name: tdi
Upper Component: WINS Client(TCP/IP) Protocol
Lower Component: Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
-Interface Name: ndis5
Upper Component: Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
Lower Component: VIA Rhine II Fast Ethernet Adapter

Owner of the binding path : Client for Microsoft Networks
Binding Enabled: Yes
Interfaces of the binding path:
-Interface Name: netbios
Upper Component: Client for Microsoft Networks
Lower Component: WINS Client(TCP/IP) Protocol
-Interface Name: tdi
Upper Component: WINS Client(TCP/IP) Protocol
Lower Component: Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
-Interface Name: ndiswanip
Upper Component: Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
Lower Component: WAN Miniport (IP)

Component Name : WebClient
Bind Name: WebClient
Binding Paths:

Component Name : Virtual Machine Network Services
Bind Name: VPCNetS2
Binding Paths:
Owner of the binding path : Virtual Machine Network Services
Binding Enabled: Yes
Interfaces of the binding path:
-Interface Name: ndis5
Upper Component: Virtual Machine Network Services
Lower Component: VIA Rhine II Fast Ethernet Adapter

Owner of the binding path : Virtual Machine Network Services
Binding Enabled: No
Interfaces of the binding path:
-Interface Name: ndiswanasync
Upper Component: Virtual Machine Network Services
Lower Component: RAS Async Adapter

Owner of the binding path : Virtual Machine Network Services
Binding Enabled: No
Interfaces of the binding path:
-Interface Name: ndiscowan
Upper Component: Virtual Machine Network Services
Lower Component: WAN Miniport (L2TP)

Owner of the binding path : Virtual Machine Network Services
Binding Enabled: No
Interfaces of the binding path:
-Interface Name: ndiswan
Upper Component: Virtual Machine Network Services
Lower Component: WAN Miniport (PPTP)

Owner of the binding path : Virtual Machine Network Services
Binding Enabled: No
Interfaces of the binding path:
-Interface Name: ndiswan
Upper Component: Virtual Machine Network Services
Lower Component: WAN Miniport (PPPOE)

Owner of the binding path : Virtual Machine Network Services
Binding Enabled: No
Interfaces of the binding path:
-Interface Name: ndiscowan
Upper Component: Virtual Machine Network Services
Lower Component: Direct Parallel

Component Name : DHCP Server
Bind Name: DHCPServer
Binding Paths:

Component Name : Wireless Configuration
Bind Name: wzcsvc
Binding Paths:

Component Name : Network Load Balancing
Bind Name: Wlbs
Binding Paths:
Owner of the binding path : Network Load Balancing
Binding Enabled: No
Interfaces of the binding path:
-Interface Name: ndis5
Upper Component: Network Load Balancing
Lower Component: VIA Rhine II Fast Ethernet Adapter

Component Name : Steelhead
Bind Name: RemoteAccess
Binding Paths:

Component Name : Dial-Up Server
Bind Name: msrassrv
Binding Paths:

Component Name : Remote Access Connection Manager
Bind Name: RasMan
Binding Paths:

Component Name : Dial-Up Client
Bind Name: msrascli
Binding Paths:

Component Name : File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks
Bind Name: LanmanServer
Binding Paths:
Owner of the binding path : File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks
Binding Enabled: Yes
Interfaces of the binding path:
-Interface Name: netbios_smb
Upper Component: File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks
Lower Component: Message-oriented TCP/IP Protocol (SMB session)

Owner of the binding path : File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks
Binding Enabled: Yes
Interfaces of the binding path:
-Interface Name: netbios
Upper Component: File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks
Lower Component: WINS Client(TCP/IP) Protocol
-Interface Name: tdi
Upper Component: WINS Client(TCP/IP) Protocol
Lower Component: Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
-Interface Name: ndis5
Upper Component: Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
Lower Component: VIA Rhine II Fast Ethernet Adapter

Owner of the binding path : File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks
Binding Enabled: Yes
Interfaces of the binding path:
-Interface Name: netbios
Upper Component: File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks
Lower Component: WINS Client(TCP/IP) Protocol
-Interface Name: tdi
Upper Component: WINS Client(TCP/IP) Protocol
Lower Component: Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
-Interface Name: ndiswanip
Upper Component: Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
Lower Component: WAN Miniport (IP)

Component Name : NetBIOS Interface
Bind Name: NetBIOS
Binding Paths:
Owner of the binding path : NetBIOS Interface
Binding Enabled: Yes
Interfaces of the binding path:
-Interface Name: netbios
Upper Component: NetBIOS Interface
Lower Component: WINS Client(TCP/IP) Protocol
-Interface Name: tdi
Upper Component: WINS Client(TCP/IP) Protocol
Lower Component: Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
-Interface Name: ndis5
Upper Component: Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
Lower Component: VIA Rhine II Fast Ethernet Adapter

Owner of the binding path : NetBIOS Interface
Binding Enabled: Yes
Interfaces of the binding path:
-Interface Name: netbios
Upper Component: NetBIOS Interface
Lower Component: WINS Client(TCP/IP) Protocol
-Interface Name: tdi
Upper Component: WINS Client(TCP/IP) Protocol
Lower Component: Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
-Interface Name: ndiswanip
Upper Component: Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
Lower Component: WAN Miniport (IP)

Component Name : Generic Packet Classifier
Bind Name: Gpc
Binding Paths:

Component Name : Application Layer Gateway
Bind Name: ALG
Binding Paths:

Component Name : WAN Miniport (Network Monitor)
Bind Name: NdisWanBh
Binding Paths:

Component Name : WAN Miniport (IP)
Bind Name: NdisWanIp
Binding Paths:

Component Name : Direct Parallel
Bind Name: {008B21D9-D54E-4E48-89D4-6AFE56D46BD9}
Binding Paths:

Component Name : WAN Miniport (PPPOE)
Bind Name: {64B56A43-AB5C-4651-BA33-C2FD789C4FB9}
Binding Paths:

Component Name : WAN Miniport (PPTP)
Bind Name: {DC610D9D-0B7F-44A6-896A-385E053E25FD}
Binding Paths:

Component Name : WAN Miniport (L2TP)
Bind Name: {3169BFB1-4CA5-4B6E-B6C1-3F97DA23E954}
Binding Paths:

Component Name : RAS Async Adapter
Bind Name: {8F35788C-3CFD-41A6-B23B-720020295CF7}
Binding Paths:

Component Name : VIA Rhine II Fast Ethernet Adapter
Bind Name: {C5C19000-0322-4FC1-9566-A647EF0EB900}
Binding Paths:

WAN configuration test . . . . . . : Skipped
No active remote access connections.

Modem diagnostics test . . . . . . : Passed

IP Security test . . . . . . . . . : Skipped

Note: run "netsh ipsec dynamic show /?" for more detailed information

The command completed successfully

C:\Documents and Settings\guyt>

Tutorial Leaning Points

1)  The comprehensive NetDiag will check WAN connections if they exist on your server.

2)  I can recommend the /test switch.  Try netdiag /test.

Guy Recommends: SolarWinds Network Topology Mapper (NTM)SolarWinds Network Topology Mapper

NTM will produce a neat diagram of your network topology.  But that’s just the start;Network Topology Mapper can create an inventory of the hardware and software of your machines and network devices.  Other neat features include dynamic update for when you add new devices to your network.  I also love the ability to export the diagrams to Microsoft Visio.

Finally, Guy bets that if you test drive the Network Topology Mapper then you will find a device on your network that you had forgotten about, or someone else installed without you realizing!

Download your 14 day free trial ofSolarWinds Network Topology Mapper

Download DCDiag

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