Windows Server 2003 Utilities

Windows Server 2003 Utilities

Whenever I find the right Windows Server tool for the right job, I always get a satisfying glow.  I particularly enjoy discovering a new utility that saves me time, ADSI Edit for interrogating LDAP properties, springs to mind.  Other utilities come into their own in an emergency, NTDSutil and ESEutil are life savers in a disaster recovery situation.  There again, I love old friends like, Ipconfig for checking IP configuration.  However, in Windows 2003 they have new twists, such as Ipconfig -flushdns and in Vista Ipconfig -allcompartments

The most common fault when evaluating new tools is forgetting where they came from; take DCDIAG for an example, is it built-in?  Or does it come in the resource kit.  Actually its neither, you install it from the Windows Server 2003, Support tools folder.

One curiosity with these Windows utilities is that even amongst top techies, it’s a case of one man’s meat is another man’s poison.  Few others rate cmdhere as highly as I do, whereas I have never really got on with diskpart or dsmod.

Sources of Windows Server 2003 Utilities

Support Tools


Built-in Tools – Executables that come with the operating system.

Microsoft’s Site

Third party

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Resource Kit(s)