SQL 2000 Transact – Comments

SQL Transact Comments

Good comments show the purpose of your SQL transact query.  They explain the actions that statement will perform.

SQL supports two methods to block or ‘Rem’ out transact statements.

1) SQL Transact Block Comments /*   ….  */  

As the name suggests these comment are when you have a paragraph, or at least a sentence of text to introduce the script.  The /* slash star..  star slash */ are mirror images or book marks.


/*  start block.  Tell your readers the intention of the script.  When you have finished explaining, perhaps adding the date when created.  You need to end the block and get on with the rest of the script so:


USE Northwind

SELECT * from products


2) Inline SQL Transact comments


— SQL statement to select products where price is greater than 10


USE Northwind

SELECT * from products

Where unitprice > 10



2a) If you wanted to test your script without the following line

— Where unitprice > 10

Then you could add a pair of dashes to make an inline comment.


— SQL statement to select products where price is greater than 10


USE Northwind

SELECT * from products

Where unitprice > 10



2b) The other use of the — two dashes, is to make a comment after statement.

Then you could add a pair of dashes to make an inline comment.


USE Northwind

SELECT * from products  note products not orders

Where unitprice > 10