PowerShell Memory – CIM_PhysicalMemory

Check A Computer’s Memory with PowerShell’s CIM_PhysicalMemory

Our mission to use PowerShell to interrogate a computer’s physical memory, to see the properties of that RAM stick(s).  Goals include discovering the capacity, speed and data width.  We also have pure PowerShell goals, to research with Get-member and to control the display with format-table -auto.

Topics for PowerShell Memory


Trusty Twosome (Get-Help and Get-Member)

When you discover a new PowerShell command, it benefits from being surveyed with what I call the ‘Trusty Twosome’.  Research with Get-Help and Get-Member and reveal new scripting possibilities for Get-WmiObject CIM_PhysicalMemory. To see what I mean start with Get-Help.

Preparation with PowerShell’s Get-Help

The master cmdlet is Get-WmiObject, and as we will see later, PowerShell’s CIM_PhysicalMemory is a class of this object.

# Help with PowerShell WMI object:
Get-Help Get-WmiObject

Note 1: If you prefer examples: help gci -full

Get-Help unearths useful parameters such as -class and -computerName (-computer also works).

Simple Example:  Display CIM_PhysicalMemory

A simple script to display your computer’s physical memory.

# A simple command to display CIM_PhysicalMemory
Get-WmiObject CIM_PhysicalMemory

Those with a VBScript, or SQL background may be more familiar with query and select statement.  This achieves the same result, but is only useful if you wished to modify "Select *".

# Display CIM_PhysicalMemory using -query and "Select"
Get-WmiObject -query "Select * from CIM_PhysicalMemory"

Guy Recommends: Free WMI Monitor for PowerShellSolarwinds Free WMI Monitor for PowerShell

Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) is one of the hidden treasures of Microsoft’s operating systems.  Fortunately, SolarWinds have created a Free WMI Monitor so that you can discover these gems of performance information, and thus improve your PowerShell scripts.

Take the guess work out of which WMI counters to use when scripting the operating system, Active Directory, or Exchange Server. Give this WMI monitor a try – it’s free.

Download your free copy of WMI Monitor

Research Properties with Get-Member

# Properties for PowerShell memory object:
Get-WmiObject CIM_PhysicalMemory |Get-Member

Note 2: If you enjoy aliases: gwmi CIM_PhysicalMemory | gm

Note 3: If you are fond of filters: gwmi CIM_PhysicalMemory| gm -Membertype property

Get-Member (gm) reveals a whole host of properties that you don’t normally see in the Device Manager.

Refined Example: Using Properties We Researched with Get-Member

Get-WmiObject -query "Select * from CIM_PhysicalMemory" |`
Format-Table name, Capacity, DataWidth, Speed -auto

Summary: PowerShell Memory CIM_PhysicalMemory

We want to find the computer’s physical memory using PowerShell.  In particular, we want the capacity, speed and data width.  Note in passing how we investigated with Get-member and to control the display with format-table -auto.

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See More Microsoft PowerShell WMI Examples:

Home   • PowerShell Get-WmiObject   • Win32_ComputerSystem   • Free WMI Monitor

WMI Class  • [WMI] Type  • Win32_printer   • Win32_product   • SystemRestore   • WMI Services

WMI Disk   • DNS   • Memory  • PowerShell -Filter   • Check Server UpTime   • ConvertToDateTime

Please email me if you have a script examples. Also please report any factual mistakes, grammatical errors or broken links, I will be happy to correct the fault.