PowerShell Get-Acl Cmdlet

PowerShell Script Files – Get-Acl

From a strategic point of view Get-Acl (Access Control List) is a stepping-stone to changing permissions with Set-Acl.  When learning about Get-Acl select a file rather than a folder, those SID numbers can be so meaningless.


Example 1: Get-Acl Owner Check

I have chosen the Windows log files as vehicle to test Get-Acl.

# PowerShell Get-Acl Windows Log files
$Files = "C:\Windows\*.log"
Get-Acl  $Files | Format-Table -property PSPath, Owner

Learning Points

Note 1:  The reason that I used the variable $Files is that I want to remind you to change the value for the path before running this script on your machine.

Research Get-Acl Properties

Format-Table is of great help with Get-Acl.  I recommend researching the precise spelling of the various properties by appending Get-Member thus:

# PowerShell Get-Acl Properties
$Files = "C:\Windows\*.log"
Get-Acl  $Files | Get-Member -MemberType *Property

Note 2: -MemberType *Property filters out methods, and shows just the various properties.  One conclusion, PSChildName may be better than PSPath.

Note 3: Actually, any file will do to check the properties supported by Get-Acl.

Example 2: Get-Acl to Find a Particular Owner

The reasons that I chose -Match ‘Administrator’ is that every Windows operating system has Administrators, and I don’t know the names of your users.

# PowerShell Get-Acl Find Owner = Administrator
$Files = "C:\Windows\*.log"
Get-Acl $Files | Where {$_.Owner -Match 'Administrator'} |
Format-Table -property PSChildName, Owner -auto

Note 4: I recommend that you change ‘Administrator’ to the name of a user on your computer.  Furthermore, if you take my advice then you may wish to change the value of $Files to "C:\Windows\Users\"PowerShell Get-Acl cmdlet - Permissions Analyzer

Note 5: PowerShell syntax includes the ` backtick for word-wrap; however I try not use the backtick symbol `, instead I ended line 4 with the | pipe symbol. As a result of this formatting PowerShell realizes that the command continues on the next line.

Background Research

In addition to pure research on PowerShell's Get-Acl, I strongly recommend that open Windows Explorer and look at not only the location of the files, but also at the permissions.

If you right-click any file or folder, select properties and check the permissions. For further detail click Edit, see screenshot to the right.

Another useful technique is to use CACLS

Example 3: Get-Acl -ExpandProperty

The problem: We need a list of all the permissions on a user's folder, especially any domain\username and group names.  The basic command in Example 3a does not produce the desired results.

# Get-Acl Example 3a
Get-Acl 'C:\Users\Fred'

The solution: -ExpandProperty

# Get-Acl Example 3b
(Get-Acl 'C:\Users\Fred').Access `
| Select-Object -ExpandProperty IdentityReference


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Research Get-Acl Parameters

One reason for research properties is if you want to modify the results, for example you wish to pipe the output into Format-Table, but are unsure which properties to specify.

# PowerShell Get-Acl Parameters
Get-Help Get-Acl -full

Checking the help file will reveal useful parameters, for instance the -audit switch maybe useful for your task.  In addition to the file system you can also direct Get-Acl to list permissions on registry keys.

See Also a Review of Solarwinds Free Permissions Analyzer »

Researching Similar PowerShell Content Cmdlets

# PowerShell Content Cmdlet Research
Get-Command -Noun Acl

This reveals the sister command Set-Acl.  Incidentally, many of PowerShell’s Get verbs also have a ‘Set’ companion cmdlet. 

See more on Set-Acl »

Summary of PowerShell’s Get-Acl Cmdlet

Get-Acl is rather different from the mainstream PowerShell cmdlets.  You can apply what you learn about ‘Get’ access control lists, changing permissions with Set-Acl.

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Please email me if you have a example scripts.  Also please report any factual mistakes, grammatical errors or broken links, I will be happy to correct the fault.