PowerShell’s Get-Childitem -Filter

PowerShell’s Get-Childitem -Filter (Parameters)

Once you stray from simple Get-ChildItem examples, the results may not be what you intended.  Fortunately it’s easy to compare the files returned by PowerShell with files viewed in Windows explorer.

How to List Get-ChildItem’s Parameters

Get-Help Get-ChildItem -full

Note 1:  Get-ChildItem has a particularly rich supply of parameters to modify your scripts.  I always find it worth adding the -full switch, that way you get examples in addition to more detailed descriptions.

-Path  Is essential, and also -path is ‘assumed’ when the directory is the first item directly after Get-ChildItem, else PowerShell defaults to the current location.

-Filter  Is the simplest way to sieve the required information.  -Filter is technically superior because it sifts the objects as it retrieves them.  Whereas the -Include and -Exclude parameters are much slower because they have to process all the objects once Get-ChildItem has found them.

Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\windows\system32\" -Filter *.exe

-Recurse  Sooner or later you will need this parameter to drill down to sub directories.

-Include  Applies to the path, and also requires the -Recurse parameter.  What is the advantage of -Include *.exe compared with just adding *.exe to the path directly?

See more on PowerShell -Filter Command »

Get-ChildItem -path c:\Windows\System32\*.exe -recurse


Get-ChildItem -path c:\Windows\System32\ -Include *.exe -recurse

The answer is there is no advantage – unless you want to include multiple file types, for example.
-Include *.exe, *.com, *.dll.  Observe how the humble comma separates each filetype.

-Exclude  As with -Exclude, this parameter comes into its own whey you want to exclude multiple file types.  -Exclude *.bat, *.dat, *.tmp, *.temp, ~*.*

See more on Get-ChildItem -Exclude parameter »

-Force  Finds hidden and system files.  This is rather like changing the View menu in Windows explorer so that it will ‘Show hidden and system files’.  Rest assured, -force will not override ACL permissions on files.

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List of PowerShell Providers

Let us research other objects or ‘PowerShell Providers’ for Get-ChildItem.  For instance, it still comes as a surprise to me that Get-ChildItem can access the registry.


Note 2:  Remember the Ps prefix and forget about a plural.  If you try Get-provider and it fails, add Ps (PowerShell) at the front, keep in mind that all PowerShell nouns are singular, thus don’t bother with Get-ProviderS it has no chance.

Properties of Files

Let us investigate the properties of the files or other objects returned by Get-ChildItem.

Get-childitem | Get-member -MemberType property

Get-ChildItem Topics


Trusty Twosome (Get-Help and Get-Member)

When you discover a new PowerShell command, it benefits from being probed with what I call the ‘Trusty Twosome’.  Experiment with Get-Help and Get-Member and unlock new scripting possibilities for Get-Childitem. To see what I mean try these two commands:

1) Get-Help Get-Childitem
    (help gci) If you prefer abbreviations.
    (help gci -full) If you like examples.

Get-Help unearths useful parameters such as -recurse, -exclude, it also reveals hidden files with: -force.

2) Get-Childitem | Get-Member
    (gci | gm) If you enjoy aliases.
    (gci | gm -Membertype property) If you are fond of filters.

Get-Member reveals properties that you don’t normally see in explorer, for example, CreationTime.

Example 1 – List files in the root of the C:\ drive

Here is an example which lists all the files in the C:\ root.  If you need any help in executing the code, then see here.

# PowerShell script to list the files in C: root
Get-Childitem "C:\"

Note 3: In this instance C:\ is the root and Get-Childitem lists any files in this directory.

Note 4: Get-Childitem "C:\"  works equally well without the speech marks.  For example:
           Get-Childitem C:\   However, you do need the backslash after the colon.

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Example 2 – List ALL files, including hidden and system

$GciFiles = Get-Childitem c:\ -Force
foreach ($file in $GciFiles) {$i++}
$GciFiles | Sort-Object | FT Name, Attributes -auto
Write-host "Number of files: " $i

Note 5: The key addition is the parameter -force.  What this does is include hidden and system files.

Note 6: The additional commands enable us to count the files, this makes easier to see prove that -force really makes a difference.  Double check what I mean by running the script with, and then without, the -force switch.

See how I created a PowerShell function Get-File.

Example 3 – Filter to list just the System files

# PowerShell cmdlet to list the System files in the root of C:\
$GciFiles = Get-ChildItem "c:\" -Force |where {$_.attributes -Match "System"}
foreach ($file in $GciFiles) {$i++}
$GciFiles | Sort-Object | FT name, attributes -auto
Write-host "Number of files: " $i

Note 7: We need to employ the comparison parameter -Match "System", rather than -eq "System", this is because System files also have Hidden and other attributes.  Consequently, their attribute does not equal ”System”, although it does contain, or match the word System.

Note 8: You probably worked it out for your self, but just to emphasise that the variable $i is a counter.  Moreover, ++ increments $i each time the ‘where’ statements makes a match.  Incidentally, omitting $=0 at the beginning produces an unexpected, or undesirable result when you run the script for a second time.

Challenge 1:  Repeat the command with and without -force.

Challenge 2:  Substitute this new ‘where’ clause on line 3: where {$_.attributes -ne "Directory"}. -ne is the opposite of -eq.  Thus this command filters out the directory entry.

# PowerShell cmdlet to list the System files in the root of C:\
$GciFiles = gci c:\ -Force | Where-Object {$_.attributes -ne "Directory"}
foreach ($file in $GciFiles) {$i++}
$GciFiles | Sort | FT name, attributes -auto
# $GciFiles |Get-Member

See more on Get-ChildItem -Filter parameter »

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Example 4 – The famous -recurse parameter

Outside of PowerShell, recurse is a little known verb meaning rerun.  Inside of PowerShell, -recurse is one of the most famous parameters meaning: repeat the procedure on sub-folders.

The point of this script is to list all the executables in the System32 folder.  Moreover it will display the CreationTime, which can help determine if a file is up-to-date.  This technique is particularly useful for troubleshooting .dll files.

# PowerShell script to list the exe files under C:\Windows\System32
$i =0
$DllFiles = gci "C:\Windows\System32" -recurse | ? {$_.extension -eq ".exe"}
Foreach ($Dll in $DllFiles) {
$Dll.name + "`t " + $DLL.CreationTime + "`t " + $Dll.Length
Write-Host The total number of files is: $i

Note 9: This example uses two aliases; my principle reason was to make line 4 shorter.  Gci is an alias for our featured command Get-Childitem, and the question mark (?) is an alias for ‘where’.

Note 10: The -recurse parameter comes directly after the name of the directory.  For completeness, the location should be introduced by the -path parameter, but as this is optional, I have omitted the -path parameter in this script.  However, this is how to include the -path parameter.
$DllFiles = gci -path "C:\Windows\System32" -recurse.

Note 11: If you investigate the file’s properties, then you can spot other assets, for example: LastWriteTime, or even Length.  Here is how to employ Get-Member to list the properties.

# PowerShell script to investigate file properties
Get-ChildItem | Get-Member -Membertype property

Get-Childitem -recurse can be surprisingly tricky, if this construction is giving you problems, see here for more help on -recurse

The Rest of the Item Family

Get-ChildItem (gci)
Get-Item (gi)

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See more examples of PowerShell Parameters

PowerShell Parameters  • Syntax  • PowerShell functions  • PowerShell Wmi Filter

PowerShell -confirm  • WhatIf  • -Match  • -Like  • Where  • Free WMI Monitor

PowerShell -Filter Command  • PowerShell Filter   • -Replace  • Windows PowerShell

Please email me if you have a better example script. Also please report any factual mistakes, grammatical errors or broken links, I will be happy to correct the fault.