PowerShell Credits

PowerShell Credits

I started learning about PowerShell in April 2006.  Most people would have waited six months before writing articles, but not gung-ho Guy.  Actually, it’s in the nature of a newish product such as PowerShell that there will be errors, misconceptions and changes of direction, hence an even greater need than usual for people to correct my errors.

One of my greatest pleasures on my other website (Will and Guy humour), has been thanking people for their contributions by adding them to the ‘Credits’ page.  It is too late to start a Credits page for the whole of Computer Performance, but not too late to start a Credits page for the PowerShell Section.

  • William R. (Dik) Harrison (Profile)
  • Earl Zirkle
  • Chris Stenson
  • Cyril Baratoff (Alerting me to PowerShell)
  • Karl Prosser (Analyser)
  • /\/\o\/\/ (Alias for WMI and file)
  • Will Chaster (Ipconfig)
  • Will Baker (RSS)
  • Roger Clarke (HKLM path and Typo)
  • Gerry Buzzell (gap – Get- wmiObject)
  • Gene Cox Format-Table Name, Model,  Manufacturer
  • Lewis Hamilton – (Broken link)
  • Charles C. Cushing (Typos)
  • Tim de Vries ($Root.pagesize = 1000)
  • Lance Von Dyl
  • Dejan Milic (Array)
  • Simon Lucas (gm)
  • Joe Gasper (Get-WmiObject)
  • Marco Tijbout (CLS)
  • Tom Barnum (help ac)
  • Mark
  • Phil Robeson
  • Paul Ku
  • Luke Breuer
  • Ari Rizvi

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See more Microsoft PowerShell tutorials

PowerShell Tutorials  • Methods  • Cmdlets  • PS Snapin  • Profile.ps1  • Exchange 2007

Command & Expression Mode  • PowerShell pipeline (|)  • PowerShell ‘where‘  • PowerShell ‘Sort’

Windows PowerShell Modules  • Import-Module  • PowerShell Module Directory 

If you see an error of any kind, do let me know.  Please report any factual mistakes, grammatical errors or broken links.