PowerShell ConvertFrom-CSV
The purpose of this page is two-fold, to give working examples of ConvertFrom-CSV and to revive interest in the operating system’s built-in ‘WhoAmI’ command.
Topics for PowerShell’s ConvertFrom-CSV
- Introduction to ConvertFrom-CSV
- Example 1: Simple ConvertFrom-Csv
- Example 2: To Display the Groups Unearthed by WhoAmI
- Example 3: Display User Name for Processes
Introduction to ConvertFrom-CSV
To see ConvertFrom-Csv in action let us create a file using notepad, or better still Excel. In the test file create 3 rows of data with each item separated by the default delimiter, the comma, and then ‘Save as’ using a .txt or .csv extension. Here is an example:
Save the file; call it cars.csv. Make a note of the full pathname, mine was
D: \PShell\cars.csv.
Alternatively, you could call it research.txt, it does not require a csv file extension.
Example 1: Simple ConvertFrom-Csv
The purpose of this preliminary script is simply to check the path to the file containing the list the cars.
# PowerShell Get-Content
$File ="D:\PShell\cars.csv"
Get-Content $File
Note 1: I am expecting the same output, in the same format, as the above example in the yellow box.
Now let us pipe the output into ConvertFrom-Csv:
# PowerShell ConvertFrom-Csv
$File ="D:\PShell\cars.csv"
Get-Content $File | ConvertFrom-Csv
Note 2: The neatest way to view this data is to employ Out-GridView to take care of the formatting. Real-life examples have more rows than this test file, this is where Out-GridView’s ability to filter the data is valuable.
# PowerShell ConvertFrom-Csv
$File ="D:\PShell\cars.csv"
Get-Content $File | ConvertFrom-Csv | Out-GridView
Example 2: To Display the Groups Unearthed by WhoAmI
To see the problem that ConvertFrom-Csv can solve, I suggest that you begin with these commands:
WhoAmI /Groups
WhoAmI /Groups /FO CSV
Note 3: FO stands for Format, and not something rude!
# PowerShell with WhoAmI and ConvertFrom-Csv
WhoAmI /Groups /FO CSV | ConvertFrom-Csv
Take this opportunity to learn about ConvertFrom-Csv’s parameters, append -header thus:
$Columns = "Group Name", "Type", "Sid"
WhoAmI /Groups /FO CSV | ConvertFrom-Csv -Header $Columns
Alternatively, employ Out-GridView once more.
# Final code
WhoAmI /Groups /FO CSV | ConvertFrom-Csv | Out-GridView
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Example 3: Display User Name for Processes
In this scenario we would like to see who is the owner of a particular process. Such knowledge is useful in eliminating known processes when investigating malware.
Tasklist /V /FO CSV | ConvertFrom-Csv | Sort-Object "User Name", "Image Name" `
| Format-Table "User Name", "Image Name", "Session Name" -AutoSize
Note 4: I cannot find a way of obtaining "User Name" information using plain Get-Process.
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Further Research
We have employed the -Header parameter, but if you want to experiment with other parameters, for example alternative delimiters, then I recommend calling for PowerShell’s help:
#Research parameters and examples
Get-Help ConvertFrom-Csv -full
Note 5: Help always surprises me, in this case I discovered the -UseCulture parameter to make my scripts more reliable when used in other countries.
Investigate similar PowerShell cmdlets
Get-Command -Verb Convert*
Summary of PowerShell’s ConvertFrom-Csv Cmdlet
Here we employ PowerShell’s ConvertFrom-Csv cmdlet to solve real problems, such as how to format WhoAmI /Groups, and how to list processes by User Name.
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See more Microsoft PowerShell output tutorials:
• PShell Home • Out-File • Out-GridView • ConvertTo-Csv • ConvertTo-Html • ConvertFrom-Csv
• Tee-Object • Import-CSV • Format-Table • PowerShell Here-String • ConvertFrom-JSON
• Export-CliXml • Format-List • Read-Host • PowerShell Get-History • -f format • Pipe to file
Please email me if you have a better example script. Also please report any factual mistakes, grammatical errors or broken links, I will be happy to correct the fault.