Guy’s Scripting Ezine 66 – DSQuery

Contents for Ezine 66 – DSQuery


This Week’s Secret

Let me explain how I came to schedule DSQuery as this week’s topic.

Firstly, did you know that each Windows process has a priority?  Well, one day last week I was pondering how a process with a lower priority ever got a chance to run on the processor.  For example, if a process with a priority of 24 was running, how on earth could a program with a priority of 7 ever run?   Surely the process with a priority of 24 always bullied the program which only had a priority of 7? 

The answer is there is a secondary scheduler which boosts a process priority every time it misses a turn on the processor.  So after missing 18 turns the process which started with a priority of 7 is boosted to 25 and so has its chance to run on the CPU.

Well, this week I feel that DSQuery is like that program with a priority of 7.  As it has missed 24 ezines, its priority has been boosted and so it is DSQuery’s turn to feature.

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This Week’s Mission is to master DSQuery

Firstly, where does DSQuery come from?   Windows 2000 – no, XP – no.  The answer is Windows Server 2003.  Actually, Windows 2003 has a whole family of DS commands, the other members are: DSAdd, DSMod,  DSRm and DSMove.

The DS family remind me of UNIX commands in that they operate at the command line, use powerful verbs, and produce plenty of action.  One pre-requisite for getting the most from this DS family is a working knowledge of LDAP. 

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Example 1 – To list all the OUs in your domain

How many Organizational Units are there in your domain? Let us get a listing of all OUs with this command.


dsquery ou dc=cp,dc=com
dsquery ou domainroot

Learning Points

Note 1:  dc means domain context, not domain controller.

Note 2:  The dc commands are not case sensitive, but they dislike spaces.
dc=cp,    dc=com will draw an error.

Note 3:  If you haven’t got any OUs (Organizational Units), I seriously suggest that you create some to organize your users.

Note 4:  Best of all, in this scenario, you can substitute domainroot for dc=cp.

Example 2 – To find all users in the default Users folder

In this example we just want to trawl the users folder and find out who is in that container.


dsquery user cn=users,dc=cp,dc=com

Learning Points

Note 1:  The default users’ folder is actually a container object called cn=users.  My point is if you try ou=users, the command fails.

Note 2:  I queried users, however dsquery requires the singular user, not userS.  Other objects that you can query are computer (not computers!), group or even contact.

Challenge 1:  Substitute OU=xyz for cn=users, where xyz is the name of your OU.  Unfortunately, cn=users domainroot does not work.

Challenge 2:  Substitute computer for user

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Example 3 – To list all your Domain Controllers

Suppose you want to list all of your domain controllers, (not computers).  Which command do you think would supply the information?


dsquery server
dsquery server domainroot
dsquery server dc=cp,dc=com

Learning Points

Note 1:  Amazingly, dsquery server   The simplest command get the job done.

Note 2:  I thank Kevin K for pointing out that this command is the singular server (not the plural servers).

Example 4 – To query the FSMO roles of your Domain Controllers

Here is a wonderful command to find the FSMO roles (Flexible Single Master Roles) -hasfsmo.  The arguments, which correspond to the 5 roles are: schema, rid, name, infr and pdc.


dsquery servers -hasfsmo schema

Learning Points

Note 1:  The command is -hasfsmo  not ?hasfsmo as in some documents.

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Example 5 – To find all users whose name begins with smith*

This example shows two ways to filter your output and so home in on what you are looking for.  Let us pretend that we know the user’s name but have no idea which OU they are to be found.  Moreover, we are not sure whether their name is spelt Smith, Smithy or Smithye.


dsquery user domainroot -name smith*
dsquery user dc=cp,dc=com -name smith*
or plain
dsquery user -name smith*

Learning Points

Note 1:  Remember to type the singular user.

Note 2:  Probably no need to introduce *, you probably realize it’s a wildcard.

Note 3:  -name is but one of a family of filters. -desc or -disabled are others.

Example 6 – To filter the output with -o rdn

The purpose of -o rdn is to reduce the output to just the relative distinguished name.  In a nutshell rdn strips away the OU=, DC= part which you may not be interested in.


dsquery user -name smith* -o rdn

Learning Points

Note 1:  o is the letter oh (not a number).  In my minds eye o stands for output.

Note 2:  There is a switch -o dn, but this is not a switch I use. 

Summary – DSQuery

Knowledge is power.  The DS family in general and DSQuery in particular are handy commands for interrogating Active Directory from the command line.  Perhaps the day will come when you need to find a user, computer or group without calling for the Active Users and Computers GUI.

See more on DS Commands – Whole Section Here