Microsoft Exchange Server Performance Monitoring

Monitoring Exchange ServerIntroduction to Exchange Server Monitoring

This page provides an outline of strategies to manage and monitor your Microsoft Exchange servers.

Topics for Exchange Performance Monitoring

Automation in Exchange 2013

Monitoring the health of system resources
This new capability means that when the server's performance starts to suffer because of an increased load, Exchange progressively slows down the lowest-priority workloads.  In this way there is a good chance that Exchange return the resource to health without noticeably affecting the user experience.

Exchange processes are throttled based on the way key server resources are currently being used.  Exchange monitors these resources to determine when to change the priority of these workloads:

  • Local server CPU usage
  • Active Directory replication latency
  • Mailbox database RPC latency
  • Content indexing age of last notification
  • Content indexing retry queue size

Recovering from storage malfunctions
Microsoft's strategy is to assist Exchange in recovering automatically from failures that affect resiliency.  For example, Exchange 2013 has automatic healing methods for servers experiencing long I/O times, or excessive memory consumption by processes such as MSExchangeRepl.exe.

Automatic reseeding
In the event that you need to restore a mail database, Exchange 2013's automatic reseed makes the process easier and quicker.

Assume the worst case and a disk fails.  What happens next is that a copy of the Exchange database is copied to a reserve disk on the same server. If multiple database copies were stored on the failed disk, then they can all be automatically re-seeded on a spare disk. This enables faster reseeds, as the active databases are likely to be on multiple servers and the data is copied in parallel.

System resource thresholds
You can use policy settings to define thresholds at which Exchange system health is underloaded, overloaded, or in critical state.

  • Underloaded Work measured against the resource, can be increased when below this threshold.
  • Overloaded Work against the resource must be reduced when above this threshold.
  • Critical Work against the resource must be stopped when the value is above this threshold.

Using PowerShell to Manage Exchange Server

There are dozens of PowerShell cmdlets which are useful in solving simple day-to-day problems, or for fixing a one-off problem, but for serious scripting you need to hire an expert such as Steve Goodman, (see script below).

PowerShell Cmdlets for Managing Exchange Health

Here are a fraction of PowerShell cmdlets to manage Exchange server.

  • Add-DatabaseAvailabilityGroupServer
  • Restore-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup
  • Set-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup
  • Start-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup
  • Stop-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup
  • Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus
  • Get-TransportService
  • Test-EdgeSynchronization
  • Test-Mailflow
  • Test-SmtpConnectivity
  • Resume-Queue
  • Retry-Queue

Solution: SolarWinds Server Application Management (SAM)

An alternative method of managing your Exchange enterprise would be to employ a third-party product such as SolarWinds SAM.  It's no surprise that their development team incorporated many PowerShell commands in their SAM software.

SolarWinds perfected a new monitoring system called AppInsight on SQL; as databases are at the heart of Exchange, it's no surprise that they now have extended AppInsight to discover, monitor and even configure Microsoft Exchange Server.

What you need from monitoring tools is the ability to manage remote systems in particular, to leverage Software as a Service (SaaS).  Virtualization also provides a challenge, one that that SAM can solve by mapping from the Exchange application to its resource dependencies.

In practical terms, this is what SAM with AppInsight could do for you:

Manage Mailboxes Proactively: Examine the top % quota used mailboxes; check mail usage patterns, for example attachment sizes. Find mailboxes by user.  Create alerts to notify users directly when they are about to exceed size thresholds.

Check Exchange Server Health: AppInsight provides the granularity to observe details on storage I/O, database copy status, replication status, and other performance metrics.

Remove Dormant Mailboxes: Free-up database capacity by investigating dormant/inactive mailboxes of users who have left or no longer need the mailbox.

Plan Your Mailbox Database Capacity: Obtain details of the mailbox database, for example, volume usage, transaction log size and file size. This knowledge will assist you in calculating the overall capacity, and in identifying constraints.

Alerting: SAM's AppInsight gathers information on the Size and Space Use of the Mailbox Databases. Naturally, it will provide reports and trending analysis on factors such as remaining free space on the volume, and file size limits imposed. Perhaps the most useful feature of AppInsight is the ability to create all manner of alerts to keep you one step ahead of the users.

See more on Monitoring Exchange Server with SolarWinds SAMAppraise Solarwinds Server Application Monitor

Example PowerShell Script to Manage an Exchange Environment

I reproduce Steve Goodman's script below only to highlight the difficulty of creating Exchange management scripts yourself.

Creates a HTML Report describing the Exchange environment

Steve Goodman
(Updates in v1.5.6 by Neil Johnson to support Exchange Server 2013)


Version 1.5.8, 2nd Feb 2014


This script creates a HTML report showing the following information about an Exchange
2013, 2010 and to a lesser extent, 2007 and 2003, environment.

The following is shown:

* Report Generation Time
* Total Servers per Exchange Version (2003 > 2010 or 2007 > 2013)
* Total Mailboxes per Exchange Version, Office 365 and Organisation
* Total Roles in the environment

Then, per site:
* Total Mailboxes per site
* Internal, External and CAS Array Hostnames
* Exchange Servers with:
o Exchange Server Version
o Service Pack
o Update Rollup and rollup version
o Roles installed on server and mailbox counts
o OS Version and Service Pack

Then, per Database availability group (Exchange 2010/2013):
* Total members per DAG
* Member list
* Databases, detailing:
o Mailbox Count and Average Size
o Archive Mailbox Count and Average Size (Only shown if DAG includes Archive Mailboxes)
o Database Size and whitespace
o Database and log disk free
o Last Full Backup (Only shown if one or more DAG database has been backed up)
o Circular Logging Enabled (Only shown if one or more DAG database has Circular Logging enabled)
o Mailbox server hosting active copy
o List of mailbox servers hosting copies and number of copies

Finally, per Database (Non DAG DBs/Exchange 2007/Exchange 2003)
* Databases, detailing:
o Storage Group (if applicable) and DB name
o Server hosting database
o Mailbox Count and Average Size
o Archive Mailbox Count and Average Size (Only shown if DAG includes Archive Mailboxes)
o Database Size and whitespace
o Database and log disk free
o Last Full Backup (Only shown if one or more DAG database has been backed up)
o Circular Logging Enabled (Only shown if one or more DAG database has Circular Logging enabled)

This does not detail public folder infrastructure, or examine Exchange 2007/2003 CCR/SCC clusters
(although it attempts to detect Clustered Exchange 2007/2003 servers, signified by ClusMBX).

IMPORTANT NOTE: The script requires WMI and Remote Registry access to Exchange servers from the server
it is run from to determine OS version, Update Rollup, Exchange 2007/2003 cluster and DB size information.

Filename to write HTML Report to

Send Mail after completion. Set to $True to enable. If enabled, -MailFrom, -MailTo, -MailServer are mandatory

Email address to send from. Passed directly to Send-MailMessage as -From

Email address to send to. Passed directly to Send-MailMessage as -To

SMTP Mail server to attempt to send through. Passed directly to Send-MailMessage as -SmtpServer

Attempt to schedule the command just executed for 10PM nightly. Specify the username here, schtasks (under the hood) will ask for a password later.

.PARAMETER ViewEntireForest
By default, true. Set the option in Exchange 2007 or 2010 to view all Exchange servers and recipients in the forest.

.PARAMETER ServerFilter
Use a text based string to filter Exchange Servers by, e.g. NL-* – Note the use of the wildcard (*) character to allow for multiple matches.

Generate the HTML report
.\Get-ExchangeEnvironmentReport.ps1 -HTMLReport .\report.html

[parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$false,HelpMessage='Filename to write HTML report to')][string]$HTMLReport,
[parameter(Position=1,Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipeline=$false,HelpMessage='Send Mail ($True/$False)')][bool]$SendMail=$false,
[parameter(Position=2,Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipeline=$false,HelpMessage='Mail From')][string]$MailFrom,
[parameter(Position=3,Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipeline=$false,HelpMessage='Mail To')]$MailTo,
[parameter(Position=4,Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipeline=$false,HelpMessage='Mail Server')][string]$MailServer,
[parameter(Position=4,Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipeline=$false,HelpMessage='Schedule as user')][string]$ScheduleAs,
[parameter(Position=5,Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipeline=$false,HelpMessage='Change view to entire forest')][bool]$ViewEntireForest=$true,
[parameter(Position=5,Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipeline=$false,HelpMessage='Server Name Filter (eg NL-*)')][string]$ServerFilter="*"

# Sub-Function to Get Database Information. Shorter than expected..
function _GetDAG
@{Name = $DAG.Name.ToUpper()
MemberCount = $DAG.Servers.Count
Members = [array]($DAG.Servers | % { $_.Name })
Databases = @()

# Sub-Function to Get Database Information
function _GetDB

# Circular Logging, Last Full Backup
if ($Database.CircularLoggingEnabled) { $CircularLoggingEnabled="Yes" } else { $CircularLoggingEnabled = "No" }
if ($Database.LastFullBackup) { $LastFullBackup=$Database.LastFullBackup.ToString() } else { $LastFullBackup = "Not Available" }

# Mailbox Average Sizes
$MailboxStatistics = [array]($ExchangeEnvironment.Servers[$Database.Server.Name].MailboxStatistics | Where {$_.Database -eq $Database.Identity})
if ($MailboxStatistics)
[long]$MailboxItemSizeB = 0
$MailboxStatistics | %{ $MailboxItemSizeB+=$_.TotalItemSizeB }
[long]$MailboxAverageSize = $MailboxItemSizeB / $MailboxStatistics.Count
} else {
$MailboxAverageSize = 0

# Free Disk Space Percentage
if ($ExchangeEnvironment.Servers[$Database.Server.Name].Disks)
foreach ($Disk in $ExchangeEnvironment.Servers[$Database.Server.Name].Disks)
if ($Database.EdbFilePath.PathName -like "$($Disk.Name)*")
$FreeDatabaseDiskSpace = $Disk.FreeSpace / $Disk.Capacity * 100
if ($Database.ExchangeVersion.ExchangeBuild.Major -ge 14)
if ($Database.LogFolderPath.PathName -like "$($Disk.Name)*")
$FreeLogDiskSpace = $Disk.FreeSpace / $Disk.Capacity * 100
} else {
$StorageGroupDN = $Database.DistinguishedName.Replace("CN=$($Database.Name),","")
if ($Adsi.msExchESEParamLogFilePath -like "$($Disk.Name)*")
$FreeLogDiskSpace = $Disk.FreeSpace / $Disk.Capacity * 100
} else {

if ($Database.ExchangeVersion.ExchangeBuild.Major -ge 14 -and $E2010)
# Exchange 2010 Database Only
$CopyCount = [int]$Database.Servers.Count
if ($Database.MasterServerOrAvailabilityGroup.Name -ne $Database.Server.Name)
$Copies = [array]($Database.Servers | % { $_.Name })
} else {
$Copies = @()
# Archive Info
$ArchiveMailboxCount = [int]([array]($ArchiveMailboxes | Where {$_.ArchiveDatabase -eq $Database.Name})).Count
$ArchiveStatistics = [array]($ArchiveMailboxes | Where {$_.ArchiveDatabase -eq $Database.Name} | Get-MailboxStatistics -Archive )
if ($ArchiveStatistics)
[long]$ArchiveItemSizeB = 0
$ArchiveStatistics | %{ $ArchiveItemSizeB+=$_.TotalItemSize.Value.ToBytes() }
[long]$ArchiveAverageSize = $ArchiveItemSizeB / $ArchiveStatistics.Count
} else {
$ArchiveAverageSize = 0
# DB Size / Whitespace Info
[long]$Size = $Database.DatabaseSize.ToBytes()
[long]$Whitespace = $Database.AvailableNewMailboxSpace.ToBytes()
$StorageGroup = $null

} else {
$ArchiveMailboxCount = 0
$CopyCount = 0
$Copies = @()
# 2003 & 2007, Use WMI (Based on code by Gary Siepser,
$Size = [long](get-wmiobject cim_datafile -computername $Database.Server.Name -filter ('name=''' + $Database.edbfilepath.pathname.replace("\","\\") + '''')).filesize
if (!$Size)
Write-Warning "Cannot detect database size via WMI for $($Database.Server.Name)"
[long]$Size = 0
[long]$Whitespace = 0
} else {
[long]$MailboxDeletedItemSizeB = 0
if ($MailboxStatistics)
$MailboxStatistics | %{ $MailboxDeletedItemSizeB+=$_.TotalDeletedItemSizeB }
$Whitespace = $Size – $MailboxItemSizeB – $MailboxDeletedItemSizeB
if ($Whitespace -lt 0) { $Whitespace = 0 }
$StorageGroup =$Database.DistinguishedName.Split(",")[1].Replace("CN=","")

@{Name = $Database.Name
StorageGroup = $StorageGroup
ActiveOwner = $Database.Server.Name.ToUpper()
MailboxCount = [long]([array]($Mailboxes | Where {$_.Database -eq $Database.Identity})).Count
MailboxAverageSize = $MailboxAverageSize
ArchiveMailboxCount = $ArchiveMailboxCount
ArchiveAverageSize = $ArchiveAverageSize
CircularLoggingEnabled = $CircularLoggingEnabled
LastFullBackup = $LastFullBackup
Size = $Size
Whitespace = $Whitespace
Copies = $Copies
CopyCount = $CopyCount
FreeLogDiskSpace = $FreeLogDiskSpace
FreeDatabaseDiskSpace = $FreeDatabaseDiskSpace

# Sub-Function to get mailbox count per server.
# New in 1.5.2
function _GetExSvrMailboxCount
# The following *should* work, but it doesn't. Apparently, ServerName is not always returned correctly which may be the cause of
# reports of counts being incorrect
#([array]($Mailboxes | Where {$_.ServerName -eq $ExchangeServer.Name})).Count

# ..So as a workaround, I'm going to check what databases are assigned to each server and then get the mailbox counts on a per-
# database basis and return the resulting total. As we already have this information resident in memory it should be cheap, just
# not as quick.
$MailboxCount = 0
foreach ($Database in [array]($Databases | Where {$_.Server -eq $ExchangeServer.Name}))
$MailboxCount+=([array]($Mailboxes | Where {$_.Database -eq $Database.Identity})).Count


# Sub-Function to Get Exchange Server information
function _GetExSvr

# Set Basic Variables
$MailboxCount = 0
$RollupLevel = 0
$RollupVersion = ""
$ExtNames = @()
$IntNames = @()
$CASArrayName = ""

# Get WMI Information
$tWMI = Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $ExchangeServer.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($tWMI)
$OSVersion = $tWMI.Caption.Replace("(R)","").Replace("Microsoft ","").Replace("Enterprise","Ent").Replace("Standard","Std").Replace(" Edition","")
$OSServicePack = $tWMI.CSDVersion
$RealName = $tWMI.CSName.ToUpper()
} else {
Write-Warning "Cannot detect OS information via WMI for $($ExchangeServer.Name)"
$OSVersion = "N/A"
$OSServicePack = "N/A"
$RealName = $ExchangeServer.Name.ToUpper()
$tWMI=Get-WmiObject -query "Select * from Win32_Volume" -ComputerName $ExchangeServer.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($tWMI)
$Disks=$tWMI | Select Name,Capacity,FreeSpace | Sort-Object -Property Name
} else {
Write-Warning "Cannot detect OS information via WMI for $($ExchangeServer.Name)"

# Get Exchange Version
if ($ExchangeServer.AdminDisplayVersion.Major -eq 6)
$ExchangeMajorVersion = "$($ExchangeServer.AdminDisplayVersion.Major).$($ExchangeServer.AdminDisplayVersion.Minor)"
$ExchangeSPLevel = $ExchangeServer.AdminDisplayVersion.FilePatchLevelDescription.Replace("Service Pack ","")
} else {
$ExchangeMajorVersion = $ExchangeServer.AdminDisplayVersion.Major
$ExchangeSPLevel = $ExchangeServer.AdminDisplayVersion.Minor
# Exchange 2007+
if ($ExchangeMajorVersion -ge 8)
# Get Roles
[array]$Roles = $ExchangeServer.ServerRole.ToString().Replace(" ","").Split(",");
if ($Roles -contains "Mailbox")
$MailboxCount = _GetExSvrMailboxCount -Mailboxes $Mailboxes -ExchangeServer $ExchangeServer -Databases $Databases
if ($ExchangeServer.Name.ToUpper() -ne $RealName)
$Roles = [array]($Roles | Where {$_ -ne "Mailbox"})
$Roles += "ClusteredMailbox"
# Get Mailbox Statistics the normal way, return in a consitent format
$MailboxStatistics = Get-MailboxStatistics -Server $ExchangeServer | Select DisplayName,@{Name="TotalItemSizeB";Expression={$_.TotalItemSize.Value.ToBytes()}},@{Name="TotalDeletedItemSizeB";Expression={$_.TotalDeletedItemSize.Value.ToBytes()}},Database
# Get HTTPS Names (Exchange 2010 only due to time taken to retrieve data)
if ($Roles -contains "ClientAccess" -and $E2010)

Get-OWAVirtualDirectory -Server $ExchangeServer -ADPropertiesOnly | %{ $ExtNames+=$_.ExternalURL.Host; $IntNames+=$_.InternalURL.Host; }
Get-WebServicesVirtualDirectory -Server $ExchangeServer -ADPropertiesOnly | %{ $ExtNames+=$_.ExternalURL.Host; $IntNames+=$_.InternalURL.Host; }
Get-OABVirtualDirectory -Server $ExchangeServer -ADPropertiesOnly | %{ $ExtNames+=$_.ExternalURL.Host; $IntNames+=$_.InternalURL.Host; }
Get-ActiveSyncVirtualDirectory -Server $ExchangeServer -ADPropertiesOnly | %{ $ExtNames+=$_.ExternalURL.Host; $IntNames+=$_.InternalURL.Host; }
$IntNames+=(Get-ClientAccessServer -Identity $ExchangeServer.Name).AutoDiscoverInternalURI.Host
if ($ExchangeMajorVersion -ge 14)
Get-ECPVirtualDirectory -Server $ExchangeServer -ADPropertiesOnly | %{ $ExtNames+=$_.ExternalURL.Host; $IntNames+=$_.InternalURL.Host; }
$IntNames = $IntNames|Sort-Object -Unique
$ExtNames = $ExtNames|Sort-Object -Unique
$CASArray = Get-ClientAccessArray -Site $ExchangeServer.Site.Name
if ($CASArray)
$CASArrayName = $CASArray.Fqdn

# Rollup Level / Versions (Thanks to Bhargav Shukla
if ($ExchangeMajorVersion -ge 14)
} else {
$RemoteRegistry = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', $ExchangeServer.Name);
if ($RemoteRegistry)
$RUKeys = $RemoteRegistry.OpenSubKey($RegKey).GetSubKeyNames() | ForEach {"$RegKey\\$_"}
if ($RUKeys)
[array]($RUKeys | %{$RemoteRegistry.OpenSubKey($_).getvalue("DisplayName")}) | %{
if ($_ -like "Update Rollup *")
$tRU = $_.Split(" ")[2]
if ($tRU -like "*-*") { $tRUV=$tRU.Split("-")[1]; $tRU=$tRU.Split("-")[0] } else { $tRUV="" }
if ($tRU -ge $RollupLevel) { $RollupLevel=$tRU; $RollupVersion=$tRUV }
} else {
Write-Warning "Cannot detect Rollup Version via Remote Registry for $($ExchangeServer.Name)"
# Exchange 2013 CU or SP Level
if ($ExchangeMajorVersion -ge 15)
$RegKey="SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\Microsoft Exchange v15"
$RemoteRegistry = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', $ExchangeServer.Name);
if ($RemoteRegistry)
$ExchangeSPLevel = $RemoteRegistry.OpenSubKey($RegKey).getvalue("DisplayName")
if ($ExchangeSPLevel -like "*Service Pack*" -or $ExchangeSPLevel -like "*Cumulative Update*")
$ExchangeSPLevel = $ExchangeSPLevel.Replace("Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 ","");
$ExchangeSPLevel = $ExchangeSPLevel.Replace("Service Pack ","SP");
$ExchangeSPLevel = $ExchangeSPLevel.Replace("Cumulative Update ","CU");
} else {
$ExchangeSPLevel = 0;
} else {
Write-Warning "Cannot detect CU/SP via Remote Registry for $($ExchangeServer.Name)"

# Exchange 2003
if ($ExchangeMajorVersion -eq 6.5)
# Mailbox Count
$MailboxCount = _GetExSvrMailboxCount -Mailboxes $Mailboxes -ExchangeServer $ExchangeServer -Databases $Databases
# Get Role via WMI
$tWMI = Get-WMIObject Exchange_Server -Namespace "root\microsoftexchangev2" -Computername $ExchangeServer.Name -Filter "Name='$($ExchangeServer.Name)'"
if ($tWMI)
if ($tWMI.IsFrontEndServer) { $Roles=@("FE") } else { $Roles=@("BE") }
} else {
Write-Warning "Cannot detect Front End/Back End Server information via WMI for $($ExchangeServer.Name)"
# Get Mailbox Statistics using WMI, return in a consistent format
$tWMI = Get-WMIObject -class Exchange_Mailbox -Namespace ROOT\MicrosoftExchangev2 -ComputerName $ExchangeServer.Name -Filter ("ServerName='$($ExchangeServer.Name)'")
if ($tWMI)
$MailboxStatistics = $tWMI | Select @{Name="DisplayName";Expression={$_.MailboxDisplayName}},@{Name="TotalItemSizeB";Expression={$_.Size}},@{Name="TotalDeletedItemSizeB";Expression={$_.DeletedMessageSizeExtended }},@{Name="Database";Expression={((get-mailboxdatabase -Identity "$($_.ServerName)\$($_.StorageGroupName)\$($_.StoreName)").identity)}}
} else {
Write-Warning "Cannot retrieve Mailbox Statistics via WMI for $($ExchangeServer.Name)"
$MailboxStatistics = $null
# Exchange 2000
if ($ExchangeMajorVersion -eq "6.0")
# Mailbox Count
$MailboxCount = _GetExSvrMailboxCount -Mailboxes $Mailboxes -ExchangeServer $ExchangeServer -Databases $Databases
# Get Role via ADSI
if ($tADSI)
if ($tADSI.ServerRole -eq 1) { $Roles=@("FE") } else { $Roles=@("BE") }
} else {
Write-Warning "Cannot detect Front End/Back End Server information via ADSI for $($ExchangeServer.Name)"
$MailboxStatistics = $null

# Return Hashtable
@{Name = $ExchangeServer.Name.ToUpper()
RealName = $RealName
ExchangeMajorVersion = $ExchangeMajorVersion
ExchangeSPLevel = $ExchangeSPLevel
Edition = $ExchangeServer.Edition
Mailboxes = $MailboxCount
OSVersion = $OSVersion;
OSServicePack = $OSServicePack
Roles = $Roles
RollupLevel = $RollupLevel
RollupVersion = $RollupVersion
Site = $ExchangeServer.Site.Name
MailboxStatistics = $MailboxStatistics
Disks = $Disks
IntNames = $IntNames
ExtNames = $ExtNames
CASArrayName = $CASArrayName

# Sub Function to Get Totals by Version
function _TotalsByVersion
if ($ExchangeEnvironment.Sites)
foreach ($Site in $ExchangeEnvironment.Sites.GetEnumerator())
foreach ($Server in $Site.Value)
if (!$TotalMailboxesByVersion["$($Server.ExchangeMajorVersion).$($Server.ExchangeSPLevel)"])
} else {
if ($ExchangeEnvironment.Pre2007)
foreach ($FakeSite in $ExchangeEnvironment.Pre2007.GetEnumerator())
foreach ($Server in $FakeSite.Value)
if (!$TotalMailboxesByVersion["$($Server.ExchangeMajorVersion).$($Server.ExchangeSPLevel)"])
} else {

# Sub Function to Get Totals by Role
function _TotalsByRole
# Add Roles We Always Show
$TotalServersByRole=@{"ClientAccess" = 0
"HubTransport" = 0
"UnifiedMessaging" = 0
"Mailbox" = 0
"Edge" = 0
if ($ExchangeEnvironment.Sites)
foreach ($Site in $ExchangeEnvironment.Sites.GetEnumerator())
foreach ($Server in $Site.Value)
foreach ($Role in $Server.Roles)
if ($TotalServersByRole[$Role] -eq $null)
} else {
if ($ExchangeEnvironment.Pre2007["Pre 2007 Servers"])

foreach ($Server in $ExchangeEnvironment.Pre2007["Pre 2007 Servers"])

foreach ($Role in $Server.Roles)
if ($TotalServersByRole[$Role] -eq $null)
} else {

# Sub Function to return HTML Table for Sites/Pre 2007
function _GetOverview
if ($Pre2007)
} else {
foreach ($Server in $Servers.Value)

$IntNames = $IntNames|Sort -Unique
$ExtNames = $ExtNames|Sort -Unique
$IntNames = [system.String]::Join(",",$IntNames)
$ExtNames = [system.String]::Join(",",$ExtNames)
if ($IntNames)
$IntNamesText="Internal Names: $($IntNames)"
$ExtNamesText="External Names: $($ExtNames)<br >"
if ($CASArrayName)
$CASArrayText="CAS Array: $($CASArrayName)"
$Output="<table border=""0"" cellpadding=""3"" width=""100%"" style=""font-size:8pt;font-family:Arial,sans-serif"">
<col width=""20%""><col width=""20%"">
<colgroup width=""25%"">";

$ExchangeEnvironment.TotalServersByRole.GetEnumerator()|Sort Name| %{$Output+="<col width=""3%"">"}
$Output+="</colgroup><col width=""20%""><col width=""20%"">
<tr bgcolor=""$($BGColHeader)""><th><font color=""#ffffff"">$($Prefix) $($Servers.Key)</font></th>
<th colspan=""$(($ExchangeEnvironment.TotalServersByRole.Count)+2)"" align=""left""><font color=""#ffffff"">$($ExtNamesText)$($IntNamesText)</font></th>
<th align=""center""><font color=""#ffffff"">$($CASArrayText)</font></th></tr>"
$Servers.Value | %{$TotalMailboxes += $_.Mailboxes}
$Output+="<tr bgcolor=""$($BGColSubHeader)""><th><font color=""#ffffff"">Mailboxes: $($TotalMailboxes)</font></th><th>"
$Output+="<font color=""#ffffff"">Exchange Version</font></th>"
$ExchangeEnvironment.TotalServersByRole.GetEnumerator()|Sort Name| %{$Output+="<th><font color=""#ffffff"">$($ExRoleStrings[$_.Key].Short)</font></th>"}
$Output+="<th><font color=""#ffffff"">OS Version</font></th><th><font color=""#ffffff"">OS Service Pack</font></th></tr>"

foreach ($Server in $Servers.Value)
$Output+="<tr "
if ($AlternateRow)
$Output+=" style=""background-color:#dddddd"""
} else
if ($Server.RealName -ne $Server.Name)
$Output+=" ($($Server.RealName))"
if ($Server.RollupLevel -gt 0)
$Output+=" UR$($Server.RollupLevel)"
if ($Server.RollupVersion)
$Output+=" $($Server.RollupVersion)"
$ExchangeEnvironment.TotalServersByRole.GetEnumerator()|Sort Name| %{
if ($Server.Roles -contains $_.Key)
$Output+=" align=""center"" style=""background-color:#00FF00"""
if (($_.Key -eq "ClusteredMailbox" -or $_.Key -eq "Mailbox" -or $_.Key -eq "BE") -and $Server.Roles -contains $_.Key)

</table><br />"

# Sub Function to return HTML Table for Databases
function _GetDBTable
# Only Show Archive Mailbox Columns, Backup Columns and Circ Logging if at least one DB has an Archive mailbox, backed up or Cir Log enabled.
foreach ($Database in $Databases)
if ($Database.ArchiveMailboxCount -gt 0)
if ($Database.LastFullBackup -ne "Not Available")
if ($Database.CircularLoggingEnabled -eq "Yes")
if ($Database.StorageGroup)
if ($Database.CopyCount -gt 0)
if ($Database.FreeDatabaseDiskSpace -ne $null)
if ($Database.FreeLogDiskSpace -ne $null)

$Output="<table border=""0"" cellpadding=""3"" width=""100%"" style=""font-size:8pt;font-family:Arial,sans-serif"">

<tr align=""center"" bgcolor=""#FFD700"">
if ($ShowStorageGroups)
$Output+="<th>Storage Group</th>"
$Output+="<th>Database Name</th>
<th>Av. Mailbox Size</th>"
if ($ShowArchiveDBs)
$Output+="<th>Archive MBs</th><th>Av. Archive Size</th>"
$Output+="<th>DB Size</th><th>DB Whitespace</th>"
if ($ShowFreeDatabaseSpace)
$Output+="<th>Database Disk Free</th>"
if ($ShowFreeLogDiskSpace)
$Output+="<th>Log Disk Free</th>"
if ($ShowLastFullBackup)
$Output+="<th>Last Full Backup</th>"
if ($ShowCircularLogging)
$Output+="<th>Circular Logging</th>"
if ($ShowCopies)
$Output+="<th>Copies (n)</th>"

foreach ($Database in $Databases)
if ($AlternateRow)
$Output+=" style=""background-color:#dddddd"""
} else

if ($ShowStorageGroups)
<td align=""center"">$($Database.MailboxCount)</td>
<td align=""center"">$("{0:N2}" -f ($Database.MailboxAverageSize/1MB)) MB</td>"
if ($ShowArchiveDBs)
$Output+="<td align=""center"">$($Database.ArchiveMailboxCount)</td>
<td align=""center"">$("{0:N2}" -f ($Database.ArchiveAverageSize/1MB)) MB</td>";
$Output+="<td align=""center"">$("{0:N2}" -f ($Database.Size/1GB)) GB </td>
<td align=""center"">$("{0:N2}" -f ($Database.Whitespace/1GB)) GB</td>";
if ($ShowFreeDatabaseSpace)
$Output+="<td align=""center"">$("{0:N1}" -f $Database.FreeDatabaseDiskSpace)%</td>"
if ($ShowFreeLogDiskSpace)
$Output+="<td align=""center"">$("{0:N1}" -f $Database.FreeLogDiskSpace)%</td>"
if ($ShowLastFullBackup)
$Output+="<td align=""center"">$($Database.LastFullBackup)</td>";
if ($ShowCircularLogging)
$Output+="<td align=""center"">$($Database.CircularLoggingEnabled)</td>";
if ($ShowCopies)
$Output+="<td>$($Database.Copies|%{$_}) ($($Database.CopyCount))</td>"
$Output+="</table><br />"


# Sub Function to neatly update progress
function _UpProg1
Write-Progress -id 1 -activity "Get-ExchangeEnvironmentReport" -status $Status -percentComplete (($PercentComplete/$TotalStages)+(1/$TotalStages*$Stage*100))

# 1. Initial Startup

# 1.0 Check Powershell Version
if ((Get-Host).Version.Major -eq 1)
throw "Powershell Version 1 not supported";

# 1.1 Check Exchange Management Shell, attempt to load
if (!(Get-Command Get-ExchangeServer -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))
if (Test-Path "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\bin\RemoteExchange.ps1")
. 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\bin\RemoteExchange.ps1'
Connect-ExchangeServer -auto
} elseif (Test-Path "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\bin\Exchange.ps1") {
Add-PSSnapIn Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.Admin
.'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\bin\Exchange.ps1'
} else {
throw "Exchange Management Shell cannot be loaded"

# 1.2 Check if -SendMail parameter set and if so check -MailFrom, -MailTo and -MailServer are set
if ($SendMail)
if (!$MailFrom -or !$MailTo -or !$MailServer)
throw "If -SendMail specified, you must also specify -MailFrom, -MailTo and -MailServer"

# 1.3 Check Exchange Management Shell Version
if ((Get-PSSnapin -Name Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.Admin -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))
$E2010 = $false;
if (Get-ExchangeServer | Where {$_.AdminDisplayVersion.Major -gt 14})
Write-Warning "Exchange 2010 or higher detected. You'll get better results if you run this script from an Exchange 2010/2013 management shell"

$E2010 = $true
$localserver = get-exchangeserver $Env:computername
$localversion = $localserver.admindisplayversion.major
if ($localversion -eq 15) { $E2013 = $true }

# 1.4 Check view entire forest if set (by default, true)
if ($E2010)
Set-ADServerSettings -ViewEntireForest:$ViewEntireForest
} else {
$global:AdminSessionADSettings.ViewEntireForest = $ViewEntireForest

# 1.5 Initial Variables

# 1.5.1 Hashtable to update with environment data
$ExchangeEnvironment = @{Sites = @{}
Pre2007 = @{}
Servers = @{}
DAGs = @()
NonDAGDatabases = @()
# 1.5.7 Exchange Major Version String Mapping
$ExMajorVersionStrings = @{"6.0" = @{Long="Exchange 2000";Short="E2000"}
"6.5" = @{Long="Exchange 2003";Short="E2003"}
"8" = @{Long="Exchange 2007";Short="E2007"}
"14" = @{Long="Exchange 2010";Short="E2010"}
"15" = @{Long="Exchange 2013";Short="E2013"}
"16" = @{Long="Exchange 2013";Short="E2013"}}
# 1.5.8 Exchange Service Pack String Mapping
$ExSPLevelStrings = @{"0" = "RTM"
"1" = "SP1"
"2" = "SP2"
"3" = "SP3"
"4" = "SP4"
"CU1" = "CU1"
"CU2" = "CU2"
"CU3" = "CU3"
"CU4" = "CU4"
"CU5" = "CU5"
"SP1" = "SP1"
"SP2" = "SP2"}
# 1.5.9 Populate Full Mapping using above info
$ExVersionStrings = @{}
foreach ($Major in $ExMajorVersionStrings.GetEnumerator())
foreach ($Minor in $ExSPLevelStrings.GetEnumerator())
$ExVersionStrings.Add("$($Major.Key).$($Minor.Key)",@{Long="$($Major.Value.Long) $($Minor.Value)";Short="$($Major.Value.Short)$($Minor.Value)"})
# 1.5.10 Exchange Role String Mapping
$ExRoleStrings = @{"ClusteredMailbox" = @{Short="ClusMBX";Long="CCR/SCC Clustered Mailbox"}
"Mailbox" = @{Short="MBX";Long="Mailbox"}
"ClientAccess" = @{Short="CAS";Long="Client Access"}
"HubTransport" = @{Short="HUB";Long="Hub Transport"}
"UnifiedMessaging" = @{Short="UM";Long="Unified Messaging"}
"Edge" = @{Short="EDGE";Long="Edge Transport"}
"FE" = @{Short="FE";Long="Front End"}
"BE" = @{Short="BE";Long="Back End"}
"Unknown" = @{Short="Unknown";Long="Unknown"}}

# 2 Get Relevant Exchange Information Up-Front

# 2.1 Get Server, Exchange and Mailbox Information
_UpProg1 1 "Getting Exchange Server List" 1
$ExchangeServers = [array](Get-ExchangeServer $ServerFilter)
if (!$ExchangeServers)
throw "No Exchange Servers matched by -ServerFilter ""$($ServerFilter)"""

_UpProg1 10 "Getting Mailboxes" 1
$Mailboxes = [array](Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited) | Where {$_.Server -like $ServerFilter}
if ($E2010)
_UpProg1 60 "Getting Archive Mailboxes" 1
$ArchiveMailboxes = [array](Get-Mailbox -Archive -ResultSize Unlimited) | Where {$_.Server -like $ServerFilter}
_UpProg1 70 "Getting Remote Mailboxes" 1
$RemoteMailboxes = [array](Get-RemoteMailbox -ResultSize Unlimited)
_UpProg1 90 "Getting Databases" 1
if ($E2013)
$Databases = [array](Get-MailboxDatabase -IncludePreExchange2013 -Status) | Where {$_.Server -like $ServerFilter}
elseif ($E2010)
$Databases = [array](Get-MailboxDatabase -IncludePreExchange2010 -Status) | Where {$_.Server -like $ServerFilter}
$DAGs = [array](Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup) | Where {$_.Servers -like $ServerFilter}
} else {
$ArchiveMailboxes = $null
$ArchiveMailboxStats = $null
$DAGs = $null
_UpProg1 90 "Getting Databases" 1
$Databases = [array](Get-MailboxDatabase -IncludePreExchange2007 -Status) | Where {$_.Server -like $ServerFilter}

# 2.3 Populate Information we know
$ExchangeEnvironment.Add("TotalMailboxes",$Mailboxes.Count + $ExchangeEnvironment.RemoteMailboxes);

# 3 Process High-Level Exchange Information

# 3.1 Collect Exchange Server Information
for ($i=0; $i -lt $ExchangeServers.Count; $i++)
_UpProg1 ($i/$ExchangeServers.Count*100) "Getting Exchange Server Information" 2
# Get Exchange Info
$ExSvr = _GetExSvr -E2010 $E2010 -ExchangeServer $ExchangeServers[$i] -Mailboxes $Mailboxes -Databases $Databases
# Add to site or pre-Exchange 2007 list
if ($ExSvr.Site)
# Exchange 2007 or higher
if (!$ExchangeEnvironment.Sites[$ExSvr.Site])
} else {
} else {
# Exchange 2003 or lower
if (!$ExchangeEnvironment.Pre2007["Pre 2007 Servers"])
$ExchangeEnvironment.Pre2007.Add("Pre 2007 Servers",@($ExSvr))
} else {
$ExchangeEnvironment.Pre2007["Pre 2007 Servers"]+=$ExSvr
# Add to Servers List

# 3.2 Calculate Environment Totals for Version/Role using collected data
_UpProg1 1 "Getting Totals" 3
$ExchangeEnvironment.Add("TotalMailboxesByVersion",(_TotalsByVersion -ExchangeEnvironment $ExchangeEnvironment))
$ExchangeEnvironment.Add("TotalServersByRole",(_TotalsByRole -ExchangeEnvironment $ExchangeEnvironment))

# 3.4 Populate Environment DAGs
_UpProg1 5 "Getting DAG Info" 3
if ($DAGs)
foreach($DAG in $DAGs)
$ExchangeEnvironment.DAGs+=(_GetDAG -DAG $DAG)

# 3.5 Get Database information
_UpProg1 60 "Getting Database Info" 3
for ($i=0; $i -lt $Databases.Count; $i++)
$Database = _GetDB -Database $Databases[$i] -ExchangeEnvironment $ExchangeEnvironment -Mailboxes $Mailboxes -ArchiveMailboxes $ArchiveMailboxes -E2010 $E2010
$DAGDB = $false
for ($j=0; $j -lt $ExchangeEnvironment.DAGs.Count; $j++)
if ($ExchangeEnvironment.DAGs[$j].Members -contains $Database.ActiveOwner)
$ExchangeEnvironment.DAGs[$j].Databases += $Database
if (!$DAGDB)
$ExchangeEnvironment.NonDAGDatabases += $Database

# 4 Write Information
_UpProg1 5 "Writing HTML Report Header" 4
# Header
<font size=""1"" face=""Arial,sans-serif"">
<h3 align=""center"">Exchange Environment Report</h3>
<h5 align=""center"">Generated $((Get-Date).ToString())</h5>
<table border=""0"" cellpadding=""3"" style=""font-size:8pt;font-family:Arial,sans-serif"">
<tr bgcolor=""#009900"">
<th colspan=""$($ExchangeEnvironment.TotalMailboxesByVersion.Count)""><font color=""#ffffff"">Total Servers:</font></th>"
if ($ExchangeEnvironment.RemoteMailboxes)
$Output+="<th colspan=""$($ExchangeEnvironment.TotalMailboxesByVersion.Count+2)""><font color=""#ffffff"">Total Mailboxes:</font></th>"
} else {
$Output+="<th colspan=""$($ExchangeEnvironment.TotalMailboxesByVersion.Count+1)""><font color=""#ffffff"">Total Mailboxes:</font></th>"
$Output+="<th colspan=""$($ExchangeEnvironment.TotalServersByRole.Count)""><font color=""#ffffff"">Total Roles:</font></th></tr>
<tr bgcolor=""#00CC00"">"
# Show Column Headings based on the Exchange versions we have
$ExchangeEnvironment.TotalMailboxesByVersion.GetEnumerator()|Sort Name| %{$Output+="<th>$($ExVersionStrings[$_.Key].Short)</th>"}
$ExchangeEnvironment.TotalMailboxesByVersion.GetEnumerator()|Sort Name| %{$Output+="<th>$($ExVersionStrings[$_.Key].Short)</th>"}
if ($ExchangeEnvironment.RemoteMailboxes)
$Output+="<th>Office 365</th>"
$ExchangeEnvironment.TotalServersByRole.GetEnumerator()|Sort Name| %{$Output+="<th>$($ExRoleStrings[$_.Key].Short)</th>"}
$Output+="<tr align=""center"" bgcolor=""#dddddd"">"
$ExchangeEnvironment.TotalMailboxesByVersion.GetEnumerator()|Sort Name| %{$Output+="<td>$($_.Value.ServerCount)</td>" }
$ExchangeEnvironment.TotalMailboxesByVersion.GetEnumerator()|Sort Name| %{$Output+="<td>$($_.Value.MailboxCount)</td>" }
if ($RemoteMailboxes)
$ExchangeEnvironment.TotalServersByRole.GetEnumerator()|Sort Name| %{$Output+="<td>$($_.Value)</td>"}

# Sites and Servers
_UpProg1 20 "Writing HTML Site Information" 4
foreach ($Site in $ExchangeEnvironment.Sites.GetEnumerator())
$Output+=_GetOverview -Servers $Site -ExchangeEnvironment $ExchangeEnvironment -ExRoleStrings $ExRoleStrings
_UpProg1 40 "Writing HTML Pre-2007 Information" 4
foreach ($FakeSite in $ExchangeEnvironment.Pre2007.GetEnumerator())
$Output+=_GetOverview -Servers $FakeSite -ExchangeEnvironment $ExchangeEnvironment -ExRoleStrings $ExRoleStrings -Pre2007:$true

_UpProg1 60 "Writing HTML DAG Information" 4
foreach ($DAG in $ExchangeEnvironment.DAGs)
if ($DAG.MemberCount -gt 0)
# Database Availability Group Header
$Output+="<table border=""0"" cellpadding=""3"" width=""100%"" style=""font-size:8pt;font-family:Arial,sans-serif"">
<col width=""20%""><col width=""10%""><col width=""70%"">
<tr align=""center"" bgcolor=""#FF8000 ""><th>Database Availability Group Name</th><th>Member Count</th>
<th>Database Availability Group Members</th></tr>
<tr><td>$($DAG.Name)</td><td align=""center"">
$DAG.Members | % { $Output+="$($_) " }

# Get Table HTML
$Output+=_GetDBTable -Databases $DAG.Databases


if ($ExchangeEnvironment.NonDAGDatabases.Count)
_UpProg1 80 "Writing HTML Non-DAG Database Information" 4
$Output+="<table border=""0"" cellpadding=""3"" width=""100%"" style=""font-size:8pt;font-family:Arial,sans-serif"">
<tr bgcolor=""#FF8000""><th>Mailbox Databases (Non-DAG)</th></table>"
$Output+=_GetDBTable -Databases $ExchangeEnvironment.NonDAGDatabases

# End
_UpProg1 90 "Finishing off.." 4
$Output | Out-File $HTMLReport

if ($SendMail)
_UpProg1 95 "Sending mail message.." 4
Send-MailMessage -Attachments $HTMLReport -To $MailTo -From $MailFrom -Subject "Exchange Environment Report" -BodyAsHtml $Output -SmtpServer $MailServer

if ($ScheduleAs)
_UpProg1 99 "Attempting to Schedule Task.." 4
$dir=(split-path -parent $myinvocation.mycommand.definition)
$params="-HTMLReport $HTMLReport"
if ($SendMail)
$params+=' -SendMail:$true'
$params+=" -MailFrom:$MailFrom -MailTo:$MailTo -MailServer:$MailServer"
$task = "powershell -c \""pushd $dir; $($myinvocation.mycommand.definition) $params\"""
Write-Output "Attempting to schedule task as $($ScheduleAs)…"
Write-Output "Task to schedule: $($task)"
schtasks /Create /RU $ScheduleAs /RP /SC DAILY /ST 22:00 /TN EER /TR $task

Wouldn't it be better to try a third party solution such as SolarWinds SAM?

Summary: Exchange Performance Monitoring

Discusion of strategies to manage your Microsoft Exchange servers.

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See more Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 topics:

Exchange 2010  • SMTP Auth Login  • Address Policies in Exchange 2010  • New-SystemMessage

Monitoring Exchange  • Anti-spam for Exchange  • GFI MailEssentials  • Computer Performance Home

Anti-spam for Exchange Server  • Solarwinds Free Exchange Monitor  • Exchange 2010 Transition