Code Error 800A0035 – File not found

Troubleshooting Code 800A0035 – File not found

Code 800A0035 is a straightforward error to solve.  The secret is to read the Windows Script Error message carefully, then check the file path.  Guy bet’s there is a typo.

Introduction to Error Code 800A0035

Code 800A0035 is runtime error more common with an .ASP file than a .VBS.  The error is pointing to a file type or the wrong path rather than a pure scripting mistake.Code Error 800A0035 File not found

The Symptoms You Get 800A0035

When you get a pop-up message box put on your detective hat, and pay close attention to the line number.  My point is that its the line in the script and not the file name following Script: 

The Cause of Error 800A0035

In the example above, Line 31: is the source of the error.  Char 1: is not always very useful as the error could be anywhere on the line, and WSH still blames char 1.

The cause of error 800A0035 is most likely to be a spelling mistake in the file,  however, Geoffery unearthed a bizarre problem where his files had an extra .extension.  For example instead of being info.txt, it was info.txt.txt.

The Solution

Before you find the root cause you may want to confirm the diagnosis by using a reference to a different file, preferably on a different drive.  If that works, then revisit the name of the original script.  Should you be hard-coding a path in your script, try copying and pasting from the bar in Windows Explorer.


Example 1: Script to map a printer

In this example, the actual file was called Input.txt.txt, thus either rename that to the more normal single .txt, else change the script!


‘  VBScript example snippet to demonstrate error 800A0035 .

‘ f1 is the Input file handle, so Set f1 = OPEN input Set f1 = fso.GetFile("D:\SMDR\Input.txt")




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