Code  8007007B – The filename, directory name or volume syntax is incorrect

Troubleshooting Code 8007007B –
The filename, directory name or volume syntax is incorrect

Introduction to Error Code 8007007B

This error code, 8007007B occurs when you execute a VBScript.  My suggestion is that there is a typo in the filename or directory name in your script.  It could also mean that one element of your script is missing.

The Symptoms You Get 8007007B

The script does not execute as you hoped, instead you get a WSH error message.  

 Code 8007007B File, Volume Syntax error

The script does not execute as you hoped.  One possibility is that you are calling for a WSH object and one element has been misspelled or omitted entirely.

The Cause of Error 8007007B

Your VBScript is missing a parameter, for instance there is no UNC path, or the UNC path needs checking.  Another possibility is a spelling mistake.  In this example Line :4 is the place to look.


The Solutions for The filename, directory name or volume syntax is incorrect

Check the object name and the UNC path.  Look for clues particularly the Line: number.  In this case it Char: 1 is not to blame.  When none of the line can execute, the error gets charged to the first character.

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Example Script for Error 8007007B

Where my script was expecting a printer name it had the UNC path, when the script looked for the UNC path, that element was missing.

Line 4 has the UNC in speech marks, but the VBScript interprets this as a name for the printer.

Here is the corrected Line 4: Observe the name of the printer, followed by the UNC path without speech marks.
net.AddWindowsPrinterConnection "color" \\ silly\BigPrinter

Error on Line 4 (Missing element)

Dim net
Set net = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
net.AddWindowsPrinterConnection "\\silly\BigPrinter"

Corrected Line 4, "Color" added

Dim net
Set net = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
net.AddWindowsPrinterConnection "Color"  \\silly\BigPrinter

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