VBScript Error Codes – 80005 Series

Error Codes 80005 Series

Errors beginning with 80005xxx point to an ADSI error in your VBScript.  While the message box calls them ADSI, I think of them as LDAP errors.  For example, suppose that you are scripting a user’s properties and you type givename instead of givenName (two nNs), that mistake in the ADSI / LDAP name would generate an 80005xxx error.

Code 80005xxx – ADSI errors


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General Points with 80005xxx errors

One common thread with this 80005 series is problems with the path statement.  Either the server does not exist, or it’s in a different place from that referenced by the script.  Another common problem is typing mistakes.  Some are obvious, others are subtle, for example extra spaces, or the wrong type of closing bracket.

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General Troubleshooting Techniques

ADSI / LDAP errors benefit from a walk-through.  It is amazing how often a manual walk-though of the task sheds extra light on a scripting problem. In particular, watch out for steps that are missing in the script. For example, pressing the OK button in a dialog box requires the VBScript command: obj.SetInfo. Following this theme, as you step through the task manually, observe how the default radio buttons are set.
See more general troubleshooting techniques

ADSI Edit is one of Windows Server 2003’s support tools. My advice is to install the whole support tools package from the Server CD: \support\tools\supptools.msi. Once the two programs files adsiedit.dll and adsiedit.msc are installed, you also get a shortcut on the Start, Programs menu, however I prefer to add ADSI Edit as a snap-in to my MMC.

Launch ADSI Edit.  Once ADSI Edit launches, the secret is connecting to the correct naming context. If you are following a TechNet instruction then pay close attention to whether it says connect to the ‘Domain’ or connect to the ‘Configuration’ container. In the diagram opposite you will also see Schema and RootDSE, they are only rarely used for ADSI Editing. Sorry to harp on, but the classic beginners mistake is connecting to the wrong Naming Context and as a result, being unable to find the required objects and properties.

Once you get started with ADSI Edit notice how the layout is similar to Active Directory Users and Computers, especially the Domain container. Also notice how the Configuration container is like the Sites and Services snap-ins. The big difference is that with ADSI Edit you see many more properties, moreover, each property has dozens of attributes. In fact there are so many obscure attributes that I often tick the box: Show only attributes that have values. 
See more detail on ADSI Edit.

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