Error Code  8000500D -The directory property cannot be found in the cache

Troubleshooting Code 8000500D –
The directory property cannot be found in the cache

Introduction to  Code Error 8000500D

This error, code 8000500D usually occurs when you execute a VBScript.  WSH error codes 80005xxx point to the error being an object outside the VBScript itself.  This error is also known as E_ADS_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND.

My suggestion is that there is a typo in the LDAP reference in your script.

The Symptoms You Get 8000500DCode 8000500D error

When you execute the script you get a WSH message box like this (See diagram).  The VBScript does execute as you hoped.  One possibility is that you are using an LDAP property that has been misspelt.

The Cause of Code 8000500D

Your VBScript contains an illegal LDAP reference, probably a typing mistake, maybe an extra letter.  Check the spelling of your objects in the script.  Note, a clue in the last line Source: Active Directory.

The Solutions

Double check each of your LDAP objects.  In particular, look for naming errors, in this example it would be in Line: 5.  Unfortunately, Char 1: often lies! it just means that the whole line will not execute.

Another line of attack could be to introduce error correcting code using E_ADS_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND for example:


Example 1 of Code 8000500D Script

Note: The Line: 5   deefaultNamingContext

Correction: It should have been defaultNamingContext

‘Script to Create a new user account in the GuyDemo OU
‘Script created by Guy Thomas
Set oRoot = GetObject("LDAP://rootDSE")
Set oDomain = GetObject("LDAP://" & oRoot.Get("deefaultNamingContext"))

Set oOU=oDomain.Create("organizationalUnit", "ou=GuyDemo")
oOU.Put "Description", "Guy’s Script Pure OU"

Set oUser = oOU.Create("User", "cn=Guy Thomas")
oUser.Put "sAMAccountName", "GuyThomas"
oUser.Put "Description", "Guy’s Script made this User"

oUser.SetPassword "dem0Gu1do"

oUser.AccountDisabled = True

Wscript.Echo "Success, Check Active Directory Users and Computers – Remember F5"

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Example 2 of Code 8000500D Script – The directory property cannot be found in the cache

This problem illustrates that you have to be careful with ‘Get’ command, the property you ask for must exist – therefore, watch out for typos.

The error is on Line 3

Note the misspelling of Context – Contect

Here is the Correct spelling

strDNS =objRootDSE.Get("DefaultNamingContext")

Set objRootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://rootDSE")
‘strADsPath = "LDAP://" & objRootDSE.Get("defaultNamingContext")
strDNS =objRootDSE.Get("DefaultNamingContect")
wscript.echo strDNS

Example 3 – The phantom space causes :
8000500D Script – The directory property cannot be found in the cache

Problem: objmemberOf = objUser.GetEx("memberOf  ")

Solution close up the space objmemberOf = objUser.GetEx("memberOf")

‘ UsermemberOf .vbs
‘ To list the groups to which the administrator is a memberOf
‘ Author Guy Thomas
‘ Version 2.3 – May 2010
‘ —————————————————————‘
Option Explicit
Dim objRootLDAP, objGroup, objUser, objOU, objmemberOf
Dim strOU, strUser, strDNSDomain, strLDAP, strList

‘ Commands to bind to AD and extract domain name
Set objRootLDAP = GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE")
strDNSDomain = objRootLDAP.Get("DefaultNamingContext")

‘ Build the LDAP DN from strUser, strOU and strDNSDomain
strUser ="cn=Administrator,"
strOU ="CN=Users,"
strLDAP ="LDAP://" & strUser & strOU & strDNSDomain

Set objUser = GetObject(strLDAP)

‘ Heart of the script, extract a list of Groups from memberOf
objmemberOf  = objUser.GetEx("memberOf ")
For Each objGroup in objmemberOf
   strList = strList & objGroup & vbcr

WScript.Echo "Groups for " & strUser & vbCr & strList


‘ End of Sample User memberOf  VBScript

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