On-line Advice from Guy Thomas

Independent computer help from someone who sees a lot of IT

What I offer you:

General advice

  1. You have a computer problem, I may have seen the solution before somewhere on my travels.
  2. You have a script, but its not working properly.
  3. You need a sounding board.  For example, you have an outline migration plan, I will listen and tell you if it makes sense and how to improve it.
  4. You want advice on how to develop an idea.  For example, you have want to make a health check on your server.  I can advise on which are the best counters to use in Performance Monitor.

Specific advice examples

  1. Creating or troubleshooting VBScripts and logon scripts.
  2. Migration plans.  For example, should I upgrade or migrate?
  3. Moving users from NT 4.0 to Active Directory.
  4. Disaster Recovery.  How do I restore an Exchange 2000 server?
  5. Configurations that makes sense.  For example, will Exchange and SQL work together on the same server?
  6. Is this the right product to manage my documents?  SharePoint Portal Server 2001 or 2003?