Ezine 213 – Research Processes with PowerShell’s ‘Diff’

These scripts use the PowerShell Compare-Object cmdlet to investigate which process corresponds to which application.  The benefit is that you can employ ‘Diff’ to identify potential rogue applications.

Topics for PowerShell’s Diff (Compare-Object)


This Week’s Secret

I love PowerShell scripts that achieve two different objectives.  What makes my day is if one of the objectives is to solve a real life problem such as detecting rogue processes.

One reason I produce these ezines is to encourage people to use PowerShell for every-day tasks.  In my imagination, I see thousands of people who have a minor computer problem to solve; my aim is to show these people how PowerShell can tackle a real-life task such as matching an application to a process.

This Week’s Mission

The underlying principle of researching which process corresponds to which application is to take a snapshot of running processes, then start the application, finally, take another snapshot of task manager’s processes.  The resulting difference identifies the process(es) which corresponds to your application.  Apart from learning a valuable technique, this mission will help you gain valuable experience of PowerShell’s Compare-Object cmdlet, also known by its alias of ‘Diff’.

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Example 1 – Compare-Object Processes

What this example does is start a program and then check to see which process(es) have been launched as a result.  To get you started I have chosen Calc as an example, largely because it’s found on most Windows computers.

# PowerShell Script to Detect Processes
$Before = Get-Process
$After = Get-Process
Compare-Object $Before $After -Property name

Note 1:  Actually, you can use Compare-Object to find differences in files or even registry settings.  The principle is always the same, take a snapshot before and after the changes and then identify changes.

Note 2:  Talking of difference, Compare-Object has an alias called ‘Diff’.  Try substituting this for the last line:
Diff $Before $After -Property name

Note 3:  You could modify the script to open not one but 3 programs, thus:
Calc; Taskmgr; Control

Example 2 – To Open Applications in the Program Files Folder

The point of this script is to launch a named program and then observe which processes result.  It’s up to you to research the path to your program, and then substitute that value in my script below.

If this script does not work, even though you have amended $Rogue, then Start-Sleep gives you 15 seconds, to launch the program manually.  If 15 seconds is not long enough then adjust the value of -s 15.

# PowerShell
$ShellExp = New-Object -comObject Shell.Application
$Rogue ="C:\windows\system32\calc.exe"
#$Rogue ="C:\Program Files (x86)\Live365\Radio365\Radio365_Dlg.exe"
$Before = Get-Process
Start-Sleep -s 15
# Do stuff – Open programs manually
$After = Get-Process
Compare-Object $Before $After -Property name

Note 4:  You can see how I used C:\Program Files (x86)\Live365\Radio365\Radio365_Dlg.exe in my real-life script; all you need to find YOUR executable is to right-click and copy the file path, then paste into the value for $Rogue.

Note 5:  I say again, the Start-Sleep command pauses the script to give you time to ‘Do stuff’ such as launch the program under investigation manually.

Summary of PowerShell’s Diff

These example employ the PowerShell Compare-Object cmdlet to investigate which application corresponds to which process.  The benefit is that you can employ this ‘Diff’ to identify potential rogue applications.  Diff, or Difference, is a valuable technique which you can also use to research folder changes or registry settings.

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See More Microsoft PowerShell WMI Examples:

Home   • PowerShell Get-WmiObject   • Win32_ComputerSystem   • Free WMI Monitor

WMI Class  • [WMI] Type  • Win32_printer   • Win32_product   • SystemRestore   • WMI Services

WMI Disk   • DNS   • Memory  • PowerShell -Filter   • Check Server UpTime   • ConvertToDateTime

Please email me if you have a script examples. Also please report any factual mistakes, grammatical errors or broken links, I will be happy to correct the fault.