Windows Exchange Server 2010 SP1

Exchange 2010 Service Pack 1 Rollup 5 (RU5)

It was best to swerve around RU4 – problem with public folders, and wait for RU5.

Topics for Exchange Server 2010 SP1


Exchange Server 2010 SP1 RU5

Microsoft released Update Rollup 5 (RU5) for Exchange 2010 Service Pack 1 in September 2011, but unfortunately they did not including a fix for an Outlook problem that stalled its earlier RU4 update.

  • RU5 fixed an Outlook problem on Exchange Server 2010 where users could not not delete folders starting with special characters.
  • Talking of special charachters, the problem with Outlook Web App Premium and Exchange Server 2010 was fixed, email attachments which start with a special character can now be saved.
  • RU5 fixed the PDF attachments problem for Mac Mail clients.  (Windows 8 PDF Reader.)
  • A ChangeKey synchronization problem with Outlook for Mac 2011 on Exchange Server 2010 is fixed.
  • For other minor problems that were fixed see KB article 2582113.
  • Microsoft will make RU5 available via Microsoft Update in late September, until then you can get a copy at the Microsoft Download Center now.   Watch out for RU6 in October, also SP2 is due for release this autumn.

SP Rollups

 A service pack rollup is contains a cumulative set of security updates, critical updates hotfixes.  A feature of RUs is the contain itsy-bitsy updates all packaged together for easy deployment.

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Public Folder Problem with SP1 RU4

The July Roll up (RU4) played nasty tricks for those who tried to move public folders in Outlook using Exchange 2010 SP1. The files wound up in the recoverable items folder.  If you did this and are having trouble contact your local Microsoft Customer Support to get an Interim Update.

Microsoft said it would include a fix for this public folder copy problem with RU5. However, although RU5 was released at the Microsoft Download Center on Tuesday, the copy and move problem is still being worked on, according to a Microsoft Exchange team blog post.

"With regard to the ability to recover a deleted public folder, this fix was not included in RU5 as further testing revealed a problem with the identified fix," stated Brent Alinger of Microsoft, in the comments section of the blog. "We are still working on a resolution to this issue and it will be included in a future Rollup or Service Pack when it resolves the issue satisfactorily and has been fully validated."

Apparently, the Interim Update solution provided by Microsoft Customer Support also did not fix the public folder recovery issue. Those who did install the Interim Update must uninstall it first before applying RU5, according to the Exchange team blog.

"Interim Updates are build specific," explained Ross Smith IV of Microsoft in the comments section of the blog. "You cannot install a newer rollup if you have an IU installed. You have to first uninstall the IU before installing a newer rollup."

Exchange Server 2010 SP1 Rollup 5

When Should You Apply a Service Pack?

There are two opposing view about applying service packs.  The timid never apply the latest service pack, they always stay one at least one iteration version behind.   The problem with this approach is that you miss on new features and fixes for existing problems.  The timid take the view it’s best to let gung-ho techies discover the bugs before they apply the service pack.

At the other extreme there are administrators who apply the service pack as soon as it’s released. They are addicted to looking for new features.

For once I recommend a middle line.  Do not apply service packs before you research the internet in general, or your favourite forum in particular.

The problem is that no-one, not even Microsoft, could test every possible of combination of hardware, software before they release a service pack.  Consequently there will rare occasions when an unusual combination of hardware and software combine to cripple a server. The only way to find if the gremlin has your number is to test the service pack on a test machine.

Testing need not be risky, take obvious precautions such as backing up BEFORE you apply the service pack. If the worst comes to the worst, try safe mode, uninstall. Failing that, restore from backup.

Service Pack Urban Myths

It was back in NT 4.0 days that I first came across the idea that odd numbered service packs are always good (1,3,5), whereas even numbers (2,4,6) always give problems.

Perhaps this effect extends to RU numbers!  Certainly RU4 seems to be a duffer.

 There may be a grain of truth in this service pack myth, the release of any product will unearth lots of problem, therefore SP1 has lots of fixes and will be most welcome. Thus we have the perception that the first number (1) is a good version.

There is little doubt that in the service pack fraternity, SP1 will be a hard act to follow, thus SP2 will inevitably be disappointing. By the time we get to SP3 the product will be mature, the company may even have developed features not ready for the initial release, thus SP3 is likely to be better than SP2. If SP3 is perceived to be good, then SP4 is likely to be anonymous.

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Summary of Exchange Server 2010 SP1

RU5 is good to go, but avoid RU4 because of problems copying public folders in Outlook.

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